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problem with Watsonx Assistant and Whatsapp

  • 1.  problem with Watsonx Assistant and Whatsapp

    Posted Tue October 01, 2024 01:32 PM

    We are using whatsapp integration of Watsonx.assistant to integrate the chatbot with the whatsapp channel.

    We completed all the steps in the documention and we are able to use the chatbot via whatsapp.

    During the tests we are finding several problems:

    - sometimes when the chatbot tries to make an api call to our server, the call fails

    - sometimes the service appears to be down and the conversation is interrupted

    - Other than displyaing the messages of the same step in the wrong order, sometimes the messages do not appears.

    In italian and english we encounter the same problems.

    This is the first time we are using the whatsapp integration. As soon as we started the tests we discovered this problem.

    We were using previously the chatbot via web chat, and we never experienced these kind of issues.

    Any suggestions?

    Maurizio Caronni
    Senior Project Manager
    Beta 80

  • 2.  RE: problem with Watsonx Assistant and Whatsapp

    Posted Fri October 11, 2024 02:00 PM

    Hi Maurizio,

    Are you using the same Assistant for both webchat and whatsapp?  If it is the same, then we need to focus on the whatsapp integration.  Have a look at the Twilio logs to see if there is an issue with sending the messages.  The other thing to note is that there are limitations with the Sandbox version of WhatApp via Twilio.  Make sure your configuration with Assistant has the approved account enabled and configured.

    If you are still having issues with this, please open a support ticket with IBM Support

    Jason Leiby
    Principal WW Data & AI Technical Sales Specialist
    Dillon, CO USA