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How do I interface with child node when using Python API of Watson Assistant?

  • 1.  How do I interface with child node when using Python API of Watson Assistant?

    Posted Mon February 22, 2021 11:09 AM
    Hi all,

    I have design an IBM Watson Assistant bot. I am trying to feed some inputs to the bot via API instead of deploying it on web. 

    However, when I am using the Python API, I was not able to send the correct input while the awaiting the response from childnode?

    For example, I send 'food' to the bot, then it responded: 'Do you like western, Asian, or Italian?' Then I would send the response as 'Asian'. The bot does not return the response of the child node for 'Asian' options.

    Is there any ways I can deal with this, please? It looks like everything only on the nodes level and not childnode.

    Thanks and appreciate!

    Vincent Kok


  • 2.  RE: How do I interface with child node when using Python API of Watson Assistant?

    Posted Mon March 01, 2021 11:05 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:46 PM

      Make sure that you are maintaining the context of the conversation by using the right conversation ID.  You should also be sure to pass/preserve the context variables in your API calls - this can be very important depending on how you are using context variables within your dialog trees.

    Daniel Toczala
    Community Leader and Customer Success Manager - Watson