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Carbon Theme How to change text color?

  • 1.  Carbon Theme How to change text color?

    Posted Tue February 15, 2022 03:46 PM
    Hi everyone.
    Eu tenho um Skill Watson Assistant, published on a web site, and I decidi usar o Carbon Theme para formatação, seguindo a documentação disponível utilizei o updateCSSVariables para customizar algumas das cores na janela de diálogo do bot, mas não consigo alterar a cor do texto no balão de diálogo do usuário, ex:
    User baloom text color, how to change it?

    The variable '$text-01' changes the colors of the buttons and the color of the response text sent by the bot, following the documentation '$text-02' should change the color of the text entered by the user, but it doesn't, I tried to change the css variable var(--WatsonAssistantChat-SECONDARY-color-text) but it didn't work either. 
    Does anyone have any other suggestions?
    Thank you very much

    Sandro Silva
