SPSS Statistics

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    Posted 14 days ago

    I know that Bootstrap throws up a table specifying if the parameters are adjusted.
    I can access the 1000 data that Bootstrap generates?
    with this create a variable.
    That is, I have a variable with 11 data, I do the bootstrap simulating 1000 samples. Can I access those 1000 samples?




    IBM Champion
    Posted 14 days ago
    There is no direct way in SPSS to save the bootstrap samples, however, see this article, which was posted by Bruce Weaver.  You might be able to get the bootstrap samples generated this way.

    Cheung, S.F., Pesigan, I.J.A. & Vong, W.N. DIY bootstrapping: Getting the nonparametric bootstrap confidence interval in SPSS for any statistics or function of statistics (when this bootstrapping is appropriate). Behav Res 55, 474–490 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-022-01808-5

    Here is the abstract.

    Researchers can generate bootstrap confidence intervals for some statistics in SPSS using the BOOTSTRAP command. However, this command can only be applied to selected procedures, and only to selected statistics in these procedures. We developed an extension command and prepared some sample syntax files based on existing approaches from the Internet to illustrate how researchers can (a) generate a large number of nonparametric bootstrap samples, (b) do desired analysis on all these samples, and (c) form the bootstrap confidence intervals for selected statistics using the OMS commands. We developed these tools to help researchers apply nonparametric bootstrapping to any statistics for which this method is appropriate, including statistics derived from other statistics, such as standardized effect size measures computed from the t test results. We also discussed how researchers can extend the tools for other statistics and scenarios they encounter.

    Supplementary materials are available here:  https://osf.io/2twf5/
