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Our Children Are Growing Up with AI: Understanding the Impacts and Preparing for the Future

By Samira Gholizadeh posted Wed September 04, 2024 06:03 AM


As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integrated into daily life, children are growing up surrounded by AI-driven technologies that influence how they learn, play, and communicate. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to personalized learning platforms and smart toys, and educational robots, AI is shaping the experiences and development of the next generation in unprecedented ways. This rapid integration of AI presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges, making it essential for parents, educators, and society to understand its impact on children's lives. By navigating these technological advancements thoughtfully, we can ensure that AI serves as a positive force in children's growth and development, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed for an AI-driven future.

Positive Impacts of AI on Children

AI is increasingly becoming a part of everyday life for children, offering a range of benefits that can enhance their learning, development, and overall experience with technology. Here are some of the key positive impacts of AI on children:

1. Personalized Learning:
   - AI-powered educational tools and platforms can tailor learning experiences to the individual needs of each child. By adapting to a child's learning pace, strengths, and areas for improvement, these technologies provide customized lessons that help students grasp complex concepts more effectively. This personalized approach can make learning more engaging and enjoyable, ultimately improving academic outcomes.

2. Increased Accessibility:
   - AI technologies can help make education more inclusive, especially for children with disabilities. Tools such as speech-to-text, text-to-speech, language translation, and adaptive learning apps enable children with different needs to participate in learning activities alongside their peers. AI-driven assistive technologies can break down barriers to education, providing equal opportunities for all children.

3. Skill Development for the Future:
   - Interacting with AI technologies can help children develop critical skills that are essential for the future, such as digital literacy, problem-solving, and computational thinking. Engaging with AI-driven platforms can also spark interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, encouraging more children to explore careers in technology and innovation.

4. Enhanced Creativity and Exploration:
   - AI tools that support creativity, such as digital art apps, music composition software, and storytelling platforms, allow children to express themselves in new and innovative ways. These technologies can expand the possibilities for creative exploration, giving children the freedom to experiment and learn through play.

5. Interactive and Engaging Learning Experiences:
   - AI-driven educational games and interactive platforms can make learning more fun and engaging. By turning educational content into interactive experiences, AI can motivate children to learn more and stay engaged for longer periods. This can be particularly beneficial for younger children or those who struggle with traditional learning methods.

6. Support for Emotional and Social Development:
   - AI-powered applications that focus on social and emotional learning can help children build important interpersonal skills. For example, virtual companions and AI chatbots can teach empathy, communication, and emotional regulation through interactive storytelling and role-playing exercises.

7. Safety and Wellbeing:
   - AI can also play a role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children. Smart monitoring systems and parental control apps can help parents oversee their children's online activities, ensuring they navigate the digital world safely. AI can also support mental health by providing resources and tools that help children manage stress and anxiety.

By leveraging these positive aspects of AI, we can create an enriching and supportive environment for children as they grow up in an increasingly digital world. Ensuring that AI tools are designed with children's best interests in mind will be crucial for maximizing these benefits while mitigating potential risks.

Challenges and Concerns

While AI offers numerous benefits for children's development and education, it also presents several challenges and concerns that need careful consideration. These issues can impact children's privacy, safety, development, and overall well-being. Here are some of the key challenges and concerns related to AI's influence on children:

1. Privacy and Data Security:
   - AI systems often collect and analyse vast amounts of personal data, including sensitive information about children's behaviour, preferences, and even biometric data. This raises significant concerns about privacy and data security, especially when such data is collected without adequate protections or parental consent. There is a risk of data breaches, misuse, or exploitation of children’s information, which can have long-lasting consequences.

2. Screen Time and Digital Dependency:
   - The increasing use of AI-powered devices and apps can contribute to excessive screen time, leading to potential negative impacts on children's physical health, such as eye strain, sleep disturbances, and reduced physical activity. Additionally, reliance on AI-driven technology for entertainment and learning can lead to digital dependency, where children may struggle to engage in offline activities or face-to-face interactions.

3. Bias and Fairness:
   - AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if this data contains biases, it can lead to biased outcomes. For children, this could mean exposure to AI tools that inadvertently reinforce stereotypes or provide unequal opportunities. For example, educational AI tools may favour certain learning styles or cultural contexts, disadvantaging children from diverse backgrounds.

4. Impact on Social and Emotional Development:
   - AI technologies, such as virtual assistants and robots, can alter how children interact with technology and each other. While some AI tools can aid in social learning, over-reliance on AI for social interaction may impact children's ability to develop critical social and emotional skills, such as empathy, face-to-face communication, and conflict resolution.

5. Quality of Educational Content:
   - The quality and appropriateness of AI-generated content can vary widely, raising concerns about the accuracy and educational value of information provided to children. If AI tools are not carefully curated or regulated, they can disseminate misinformation or content that is not developmentally appropriate, potentially hindering learning rather than enhancing it.

6. Lack of Human Oversight:
   - AI tools often operate with minimal human oversight, which can be problematic when these technologies are used in settings that require nuanced judgment, such as education and childcare. AI lacks the human capacity for empathy, moral reasoning, and personalized attention, which are crucial in guiding children’s learning and development.

7. Economic and Accessibility Gaps:
   - While AI has the potential to enhance education and provide new opportunities, access to these technologies is not uniform. Children from low-income families or underserved communities may not have the same access to AI-driven learning tools, exacerbating existing educational inequalities and creating a digital divide.

8. Ethical Considerations:
   - The ethical implications of using AI with children are profound, including questions about consent, the appropriate role of AI in childhood development, and the long-term impact of early exposure to AI technologies. These concerns necessitate a careful and considered approach to the integration of AI in children’s lives.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among parents, educators, policymakers, and technology developers to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically. By implementing safeguards, promoting digital literacy, and fostering open communication, we can better navigate the complexities of AI's impact on children, ensuring it serves as a tool for positive growth rather than a source of risk.

Preparing Children for an AI-Driven Future

As AI continues to revolutionize industries and reshape the world, it is essential to equip the next generation with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in an AI-driven future. Preparing children for this evolving landscape involves more than just technical education; it requires fostering creativity, ethical awareness, and adaptability. Here are some key strategies to help prepare children for a future influenced by AI:

1. Promote Digital Literacy and AI Education:
   - Introducing children to the basics of AI and digital literacy from an early age is crucial. Educational programs that include coding, understanding algorithms, and exploring how AI works can demystify technology and build confidence. Schools and parents can use age-appropriate tools and resources, such as interactive coding games and AI-powered learning apps, to make these concepts accessible and engaging.

2. Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:
   - AI can perform many tasks, but critical thinking and problem-solving are human skills that remain invaluable. Encouraging children to ask questions, think critically about the information they receive, and solve complex problems will help them become independent thinkers who can navigate AI’s influence. Activities like puzzles, strategy games, and project-based learning can foster these skills effectively.

3. Cultivate Creativity and Innovation:
   - Creativity is a uniquely human trait that AI cannot replicate. Encouraging children to engage in creative pursuits such as art, music, writing, and imaginative play can help them develop innovative thinking. These activities not only support cognitive development but also inspire children to use technology in new and inventive ways, turning them from passive consumers into active creators.

4. Teach Ethical and Responsible AI Use:
   - As AI becomes more integrated into daily life, understanding its ethical implications is crucial. Children should learn about the responsible use of technology, including topics like data privacy, digital footprints, and the impact of AI on society. Discussions around ethical AI use can help children recognize both the benefits and potential risks of AI, fostering a sense of responsibility and informed decision-making.

5. Foster Adaptability and Lifelong Learning:
   - The AI landscape is constantly evolving, making adaptability a key skill for future success. Encouraging a growth mindset—where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn—can help children embrace change and be open to continuous learning. Highlighting the importance of resilience and the ability to pivot in response to new information or setbacks will prepare them for the dynamic nature of the future job market.

6. Support Social and Emotional Development:
   - While AI can assist in many areas, human interaction and emotional intelligence remain irreplaceable. Activities that promote teamwork, communication, empathy, and emotional regulation are essential for developing well-rounded individuals. Schools and parents should provide opportunities for children to engage in group projects, collaborative play, and activities that build social skills.

7. Provide Guidance on Safe and Balanced Technology Use:
   - As AI-driven devices become more prevalent, it is important to guide children in using technology in a balanced and safe manner. Setting boundaries on screen time, encouraging offline activities, and discussing the importance of taking breaks from digital devices can help children develop a healthy relationship with technology. Parents and educators can model good digital habits and involve children in creating technology use guidelines.

8. Expose Children to Diverse AI Applications:
   - Introducing children to the various ways AI is used across different industries—such as healthcare, environmental science, entertainment, and space exploration—can broaden their understanding and spark interest in potential career paths. Field trips, interactive exhibits, and hands-on projects related to AI applications can inspire children to explore how they might contribute to or innovate within these fields in the future.

By taking a holistic approach that includes education, ethical considerations, creativity, and emotional intelligence, we can prepare children not only to navigate an AI-driven world but also to shape it in positive and meaningful ways. Equipping children with these skills and mindsets will empower them to harness the full potential of AI while remaining mindful of its challenges, ensuring they are ready for whatever the future may bring.

A 2019 study conducted by DataChildFutures found that 46% of participating Italian households had AI-powered speakers, while 40% of toys were connected to the internet. 
As younger generations grow up interacting with AI-enabled devices, more consideration should be given to the impact of this technology on children, their rights and wellbeing. Estimates suggest that, by 2065, 65% of children in primary school today will work in positions that have not yet been created. From a practical standpoint, AI should be incorporated into school curricula to equip future generations with coding skills and provide them with adequate AI training.

By 2030 students will be learning from robot teachers 10 times faster than today

With such broad potential for use in the education system, forecasts by Global Market Insights suggest that the market value of AI in education will reach $20 billion by 2027.

In March 2019, the DQ Global Standards Report 2019 was launched – the first attempt to define a global standard for digital literacy, skills and readiness across the education and technology sectors. 


AI is an integral part of the world that our children are growing up in, offering both powerful benefits and significant challenges. By understanding these impacts and proactively guiding their interactions with AI, we can help prepare children for a future where they can harness the potential of AI while navigating its complexities safely and responsibly. As AI continues to evolve, our collective role in shaping its integration into the lives of children will be more important than ever.

If you would like to read more:
Our children are growing up with AI. Here's what you need to know

Growing up with AI: How can families play and learn with their new smart toys and companions?

Helping children through the era of AI and digital tech

Growing up with AI. Cognimates: from coding to teaching machines

Parenting in the Age of AI - That's AI

Our children are growing up with AI. Here’s what you need to know


Samira Gholizadeh

IBM Champion - User group leader and liaison in Women in AI

Mechanical & Materials Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer 

