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"Maximising Gen AI - supercharge your Assistant safely and securely” watsonx Assistant Webinar Replay Now Available

By MARIA GODOY posted Tue August 13, 2024 04:33 AM


We hope you enjoyed the recent webinar on “Maximising Gen AI - supercharge your Assistant safely and securely”

If you missed it or would like to review the content, don't worry - you can now access the entire recording!

Replay available 

In this engaging session, we delved into the amazing capabilities of watsonx Assistant, including the evolution from Conversation AI platform into AI Assistant. Don't miss out on the opportunity to see this groundbreaking technology in action!  

For those who attended the webinar, take advantage of the chance to reinforce your knowledge and explore additional resources related to watsonx Assistant. And for those who didn't attend, now's your chance to catch up on everything you've been missing!

We look forward to seeing you at future events. Until then, happy learning!  

