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How watsonx Assistant and LLMs Can Transform Contact Centers

By Jason Leiby posted Tue November 14, 2023 03:48 PM


Contact centers are essential to many businesses, providing a vital customer service function. However, contact centers can also be a major source of cost and complexity. watsonx Assistant and large language models (LLMs) are two AI technologies that can help contact centers transform their businesses. Using these modern technologies can also improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and provide a build experience that is easy to maintain.

watsonx Assistant

watsonx Assistant is a cloud-based AI platform by IBM that can be used to build virtual assistants. Virtual assistants can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, including answering customer questions, handling customer requests, and resolving customer issues. With the actions framework of watsonx Asssistant, business users with no programming experience can create customer journies that are helpful and increase the usability of the assistant.

watsonx Assistant can help contact centers in a number of ways, including:

  • Reducing costs: watsonx Assistant can help contact centers reduce costs by automating tasks that are currently performed by human agents. This can free up agents to focus on more complex and challenging tasks.
  • Improving customer satisfaction: watsonx Assistant can help contact centers improve customer satisfaction by providing customers with a faster and more efficient way to get the help they need. watsonx Assistant can also be used to personalize the customer experience and provide customers with the information they need most.
  • Increasing employee satisfaction: watsonx Assistant can help contact centers increase employee satisfaction by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This can free up agents to focus on more rewarding and challenging work.

In a contact center environment, watsonx Assistant can provide these capabilities to either the end user or the agent directly. Agents can receive realtime suggestions to help resolve customer issues during the conversation. Since the agents know what questions need to be asked, they can also build the journies to provide a better experience to the customer.


LLMs are a type of AI that can be used to generate and understand human language. LLMs can be used to aid contact center agents in a number of ways, including:

  • Generating personalized responses: LLMs can be used to generate personalized responses for contact center agents based on the customer's individual needs and preferences. This can help to improve the customer experience and make it more likely that customers will be satisfied with the outcome of their interaction.
  • Providing support for complex tasks: LLMs can be used to provide support for contact center agents who are handling complex tasks, such as troubleshooting technical problems or resolving complex customer issues. LLMs can help agents to find the information they need quickly and easily, and they can also help agents to generate solutions to customer problems.
  • Providing real-time translation: LLMs can be used to provide real-time translation for contact center agents who are interacting with customers who speak other languages. This can help to improve the customer experience and make it easier for contact centers to serve customers from all over the world.

Bringing it together

watsonx Assistant and LLMs have the potential to transform contact centers in a number of ways. By automating tasks, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing employee satisfaction, watsonx Assistant and LLMs can help contact centers to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide a better customer experience. Here are some specific examples of how watsonx Assistant and LLMs can be used to transform contact centers: A bank could use watsonx Assistant to build a virtual assistant that can answer customer questions about their accounts, balances, and transactions. The virtual assistant could also be used to help customers with tasks such as transferring money, opening new accounts, and changing account information. A telecommunications company could use watsonx Assistant to build a virtual assistant that can help customers with troubleshooting problems with their internet, TV, or phone service. The virtual assistant could also be used to help customers with tasks such as adding new services, changing their service plan, or managing their account. A healthcare provider could use watsonx Assistant to build a virtual assistant that can answer patient questions about their appointments, prescriptions, and medical records. The virtual assistant could also be used to help patients with tasks such as scheduling appointments, refilling prescriptions, and paying bills. These are just a few examples of how watsonx Assistant and LLMs can be used to transform contact centers. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and transformative applications of AI in contact centers.

The key to combining watsonx Assistant with LLMs is to ensure that the Assistant is providing an accurate and succinct response using LLMs and grounding it with the company's data.

Professional Perspective

From a professional perspective, watsonx Assistant and LLMs are powerful tools that can help contact centers to achieve their business goals. Contact centers that are able to successfully adopt and implement these technologies will be well-positioned to succeed in the future. However, it is important to note that watsonx Assistant and LLMs are not silver bullets. They are tools that need to be used effectively in order to achieve the desired results. Contact centers need to carefully consider their specific needs and goals before implementing these technologies. Additionally, it is important to have a plan for managing and maintaining these technologies. watsonx Assistant and LLMs are complex systems that require regular updates and maintenance. Contact centers need to have the resources and expertise in place to support these systems. Overall, watsonx Assistant and LLMs have the potential to transform contact centers in a number of ways. Contact centers that are able to successfully adopt and implement these technologies will be well-positioned to succeed in the future.

For questions or comments please reach out to me on the community.


1 comment



Tue November 28, 2023 04:36 PM

Thank You Jason for the introduction. I see at the link you provided that anyone can give watsonx assistant a try. Commenting to let the community know that our Data&AI technical team is also ready to explore the technology using their data to make the experience "real" and impactful.