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 Help regarding Bee Stack usage

  • watsonx.ai
Diya Sanghvi's profile image
Diya Sanghvi posted Thu January 23, 2025 03:34 PM


I want to know can I use Docker container for Bee Stack with space less than 6 GB as my device doesnt have that space. 

NICK PLOWDEN's profile image

Hi Diya,

I'm the Community Manager for watsonx.ai and I'm checking to see if you received a response to your question or get the issue resolved? If you have not received a response, I will follow-up on your behalf.



Patrick Ejelle-Ndille's profile image
Patrick Ejelle-Ndille

Hi Diya,

According to the Bee Stack documentation, it is important to ensure your VM has at least 8 GB of RAM configured. I'm not sure how the application can be optimized to meet that minimum requirement, but another option would be to use a cloud VM or try reserving one that meets the specification on TechZone.

Bee Stack - https://github.com/i-am-bee/bee-stack/tree/main
IBM Cloud - https://cloud.ibm.com/
Tech Zone - https://techzone.ibm.com/