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Problem with Watson studio

  • 1.  Problem with Watson studio

    Posted Thu October 10, 2019 09:19 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed November 01, 2023 04:52 PM

    I am currently doing the IBM Data Science course and working on Watson Studio Visual Recognition. I am encountering the following problem. After adding the Visual Recognition this pop up appears and I am uncertain why as I have only one plan so therefore I cannot proceed. Help!

    Many thanks for your assistance !
    Sasha :)


  • 2.  RE: Problem with Watson studio

    Posted Thu October 10, 2019 06:51 PM
    Hi Sasha,

    Thanks for your question.  Can you try to adjust global filters when adding the service and hit "select existing" rather than trying to "create new"?  I would also recommend checking out the following link from our documentation Visual Recognition in Watson Studio. 

    Feel free to reach out if you have further questions or concerns. 

