Hi Kanchana, Pinged you on slack, Please let me know once you get a chance to connect and discuss further on the same.
Original Message:
Sent: Wed July 03, 2024 01:47 AM
From: Kanchana Padmanabhan
Subject: Info on watsonx.data to be able to perform Online OLTP transactional DB
Hi Vikram, There is interoperability support between Db2 and watsonx.data that can be leveraged to start-off with an augmentation approach to ease the journey. You can reach out to me at kanchana@us.ibm.com and can get someone to guide you.
Kanchana Padmanabhan
Original Message:
Sent: Tue July 02, 2024 02:48 AM
From: Vikram Rathore
Subject: Info on watsonx.data to be able to perform Online OLTP transactional DB
Hi Kanchana,
Thanks for response, Our plan is to create DB in watsonx.data, create all the objects and schema and move data from DB2 LUW Aix DB to watsonx.data. Before that we need we need to do the completed POC on watsonx.data on whether and how we host and setup Production DB in watsonx.data. Application is hosted in cirrus which need to integrated, with that DB transaction will be done.
Since we are completely new to watsonx we need help or support from the scratch mostly, we have done few trainings on it but did not got the complete picture. Let us know if you can help with it or direct to someone who can guide on the same.
Vikram Rathore
Original Message:
Sent: Tue July 02, 2024 12:28 AM
From: Kanchana Padmanabhan
Subject: Info on watsonx.data to be able to perform Online OLTP transactional DB
Hi Vikram,
The Presto and Spark engines in watsonx.data support DDL, DML operations and transactional workloads.
What is your plan with the data as you go about with the migration?
Kanchana Padmanabhan
Original Message:
Sent: Mon July 01, 2024 04:07 AM
From: Vikram Rathore
Subject: Info on watsonx.data to be able to perform Online OLTP transactional DB
Currently we are using on-prem DB2 LUW DB and looking migrate it watsonx.data. can you please tell if that is possible and we can have OLTP live connection transactional DB setup using watsonx.data where application can connect and perform DDL, DML operations on Database. Along with we can also use data analytical features of Watsonx.data
If yes please share the steps or document if available on how we can proceed with this and If not then is there any plan in future where watsonx.data can hold OLTP transactions too.
Any Help or info is appreciated, Thanks in advance.
Vikram Rathore