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ODF storage installation on RedHat OpenShift via console.

By PRAVEEN SOGALAD posted 2 hours ago


 Installing OpenShift Data Foundation on OpenShift Container Platform using local storage devices 

  1) Login to RH Openshift console using kubeadmin and corresponding password.


    2) On the left had side of the menu, select Operators --> Operator Hub. And in the search bar search for Local Storage.


   3) Select Local Storage and click on Install


  4) Install Operator page appears and click on Install.

   5. Wait for few minutes till the Operator installation completes. 
    6) Once the installation is success, you will see the below page. The green tick mark indicates, successful installation.  
   7) Click on View Operator and in the next page select Local Volume Discovery - Create Instance. 
    8) On the Local Volume Discovery page select all disk nodes or selected nodes as per your requirements, click on Create
   9) In the auto-discover-devices page, wait till you see the message like below :
  10) Now select Installed operators--> Local Storage-->Local Volume Set(Create instance). On the Local Volume Set page, give the Local Volume
    Set name(only small case letters allowed), and click on Create to create LVS on disks on all nodes.
  11) On Persistent Volume page, you can see all the PV's created, just like below: 
 12) Now, go back to Operators --> Operator Hub and search for OpenShift Data Foundation
  13) Select OpenShift Data Foundation and click on Install 
 14) In the Install Operator page, click on Install
 15) Once the installation is completed, you will see a page like below, which says ODF installation is successful with green tick mark and custom resource  required warning as below.  
 16) Click on Refresh web console(mandatory) and select Create StorageSystem. Create StorageSystem page will appear and select mylocalvolume as existing storage class which we created in the previous step above and click on Next
 17) Capacity and Nodes page will appear. Based on your requirement, select the available profile : Lean mode, Balanced mode and Performance mode. Click on Next --> Next --> Next --> Create StorageSystem.
 18) Verify installation is successful. 
- Make sure, following StorageClasses are created: 
   - Make sure all the PV's are in Bound status as below: 
   - Verify the StorageSystem health and Data Foundation and 1 storage system is created successfully and has green tick mark: 
   - Verify the Topology of each of the worker nodes with ODF, and each of the cluster is healthy. Note : Green tick mark indicates healthy status. 


