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On July 10th, at the AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call event, IBM reaffirmed its leadership and commitment to the Rome Call for AI Ethics. Hosted by the Vatican's RenAIssance Foundation, in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy of Life, Religions for Peace Japan, United Arab Emirates' Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel's Commission for Interfaith Relations, this latest gathering for the Rome Call welcomes the co-signage of eastern religious leaders and seeks to shape the technical progress to support the progress of humanity, and inspire peaceful collaboration and global unity for ethical AI development, the core principle of the document.
This interreligious event follows a series of Rome Call milestones that IBM has played a significant role in – from being one of the first signatories of the Call back in February 2020, to leading the Rome Call for AI Ethics Global University Summit, hosted by Notre Dame University and including 40 educational institutions in 2022, to the 2023 signing of the Call by three Abrahamic religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
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