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Turn data into insights: Ground AI models with multiple documents

By MARYAM ASHOORI posted 7 days ago


Generative AI (gen AI) is revolutionizing the ability to quickly access knowledge. Organizations aiming to improve operations are taking note. According to IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Generative Artificial Intelligence 2024 Predictions, IDC, October 2023, “By 2025, two-thirds of businesses will use a combination of gen AI and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to power domain-specific self-service knowledge discovery, improving decision efficacy by 50%.”
To actualize this, organizations need gen AI capabilities, such as natural language question-answering systems and enterprise search, to support self-service knowledge discovery for employees, customers and more. Ventana Research also noted in their recent 2024 Buyers Guide for GenAI Platforms that documents have become the new data flow for gen AI use cases.   

Through the prompting process, large language models (LLMs) can provide more accurate and specific responses. With IBM® watsonx.ai™, companies are starting to do just that. AI developers and model builders are augmenting foundation models with the help of RAG frameworks to give users access to the documents and data they need for informed, data-driven decisions and insights.   

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4 days ago

This is very timely as we work the watsonx Challenge and will build our own business case for sellers.