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Introducing Knowledge Orchestrator: powered by watsonx

By Errol Brandt posted Thu February 29, 2024 12:10 AM


Knowledge Orchestrator: powered by IBM watsonx

Throughout my career I have used technology to turn data into insights so I can advise business leaders.
Whether it was as a cost accountant analyzing production variances, or as a group FP&A manager formulating the strategic plan, I used technology to help others make good decisions.
When I started my career, spreadsheets had barely taken hold. Today the opposite is true: spreadsheets hold us back. 
Despite all the advances in enterprise software, most employees waste far too much time on low-level analytics. Some estimates put it as high as 30%. They download information from one system into a spreadsheet and manipulate it to derive the insights. Then next month, they do the same thing over again!
I was fortunate enough to convince my organization to implement IBM Planning Analytics. Through this tool I learned how provide valuable insights to senior leaders without relying on spreadsheets. 
But if I learned one thing about working with the C-suite, it's that they just want the bottom line. It's why board papers are written as short, sharp narratives, not complicated spreadsheets or presentation decks.
So why not take the same approach with leaders?
Up until now, although technology could turn data into information, we still needed humans to turn information into insights. And humans with advanced technical skills are expensive, which means organizations can't afford to employ too many of them.
Generative AI has changed that.
Knowledge Orchestrator is using generative AI technology to turn information into insights, which we believe will drive organizational productivity. By no means is this an easy feat; in fact it's taken us years to overcome some big technical hurdles, but we're now starting to see some exciting results.
When I say generative AI, most people assume ChatGPT. They often don't realise that ChatGPT is not enterprise grade technology. It's a great to learn how to prompt, but it's not safe or reliable enough to run your business. 
That's why we're building with about watsonx: enterprise grade AI.  Sure, we're not there yet, but we're getting close. If you'd like to follow our progress, please follow our LinkedIn page.  
Knowledge Orchestrator powered by IBM watsonx

