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Exploring the AI and data capabilities of watsonx

By Ashley Bassman posted Mon September 25, 2023 10:24 AM


Successful implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) is contingent on an AI strategy that takes into account the following considerations:

  1. Open: It’s based on the best open technologies available
  2. Trusted: It’s responsible and governed
  3. Targeted: It’s designed for the enterprise and targeted for business domains
  4. Empowering: It’s designed for value creators, not just users

Designed with these elements in mind, watsonx is a new AI and data platform that empowers enterprises to scale and accelerate the impact of AI across the business by leveraging data wherever it resides. IBM software products are embedding watsonx capabilities across digital labor, IT automation, security, sustainability, and application modernization to help unlock new levels of business value for clients.

The watsonx platform has three components: watsonx.ai (now available), watsonx.data (now available) and watsonx.governance (expected availability in November). In this blog, I will cover:

  1. What is watsonx.ai?
  2. What capabilities are included in watsonx.ai?
  3. What is watsonx.data?
  4. What capabilities are included in watsonx.data?
  5. How can you get started today?

Checkout the latest blog to dive deeper into watsonx capabilities

