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Watsonx.governance: Navigating Responsible, Transparent and Explainable AI with practical implementation

By Ahmad Muzaffar Bin Baharudin posted Mon November 20, 2023 04:29 AM


The ongoing discussions among enterprises on responsible AI have largely remained conceptual. watsonx.governance helps you to streamline the adoption of Responsible AI, Transparent AI and Explainable AI through practical implementation. 
A Clear Overview of AI Use Cases
watsonx.governance offers a comprehensive inventory of AI use cases, providing users with a quick and transparent understanding of their AI landscape. With preset risk levels and alerts, this platform aims to foster transparency and accountability in AI applications.
Responsible, Transparent, and Explainable AI Workflows
The practical implementation of responsible AI is crucial for building trust and ensuring ethical decision-making in daily workflows. watsonx.governance allows organizations to direct, manage, and monitor their AI activities. By employing software automation, it strengthens the ability to mitigate risks, manage regulatory requirements, and address ethical concerns without the need for excessive changes to existing data science platforms, even for models developed using third-party tools.
Key Features of watsonx.governance
  • Operationalize AI Governance: The platform accelerates model building at scale by automating and consolidating multiple tools, applications, and platforms. It also documents the origin of datasets, models, associated metadata, and pipelines.
  • Manage Risk and Reputation: watsonx.governance enables the creation of responsible, explainable, and high-quality AI models. It automatically documents model lineage and metadata and monitors for fairness, bias, and drift to detect the need for model retraining.
  • Support Regulatory Compliance: The platform provides protections and validation to enable fair, transparent, and compliant models. It automatically documents model facts to support audits, facilitating regulatory compliance.
A Toolkit for AI Governance
watsonx.governance offers a powerful toolkit for AI governance with features such as automation, monitoring, capturing, and collaboration. It allows organizations to operationalize AI workflows, increase efficiency, and ensure accuracy at scale. watsonx.governance is currently in Tech Preview, with general availability expected in December 2023. You can sign up for the waitlist to get a firsthand experience of this transformative AI governance solution. 

Read more and get updates about watsonx.governance here:

1 comment



Fri December 01, 2023 09:12 AM

This solution is so exciting-- crucial to ensuring trustworthy AI is able to be operationalized and repeatably and reliably enacted for organizations.