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Version 2.5.0 of Transformation Advisor was released on September 29th 2021. This short blog will detail some of the new features and improvements in 2.5.0 and how to upgrade to version 2.5.0 if you already have Transformation Advisor installed. If you are not already familiar with TA you can...
Listen to the experts talk on : Spring/SpringBoot and Modernisation Java versions and Modernisation "Inventory report" of WebSphere Transformation Advisor Types of modernisation - Architecture/Operations/Runtime IBM Garage Method Visit the ExpertTV for the expert comments ->...
Access various toolkits available for Migration Assists Migrate between various WebSphere versions Migrate from JBoss Migrate from Apache TomCat Migrate from Oracle Migrate from WebLogic Migrate between Java EE versions Analyze your binaries or Analyze your source code. ...