Kickstart your cloud-native Java applications on AWS with Liberty Webinar

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When:  Feb 22, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)

Looking to deploy your cloud native Java applications on Amazon easily with high availability on a proven, lightweight, and performant framework? IBM, in collaboration with AWS, recently released “IBM WebSphere Liberty for Amazon EKS” Partner Solution (formerly known as Quick Start). This solution provisions a highly available architecture with an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster, along with the WebSphere Liberty Operator ready for you to easily deploy and manage your cloud native Java applications. Join us to learn more and see it in action!

Key Speakers

Graham Charters - STSM, WebSphere & Liberty Technical Product Manager, WebSphere on Cloud Development

Graham is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member and Technical Product Manager responsible for the WebSphere and Liberty runtimes.  He takes a keen interest in emerging technologies and practices.  His past exploits include establishing and contributing to open source projects at PHP and Apache (Aries and Tuscany) and participation in, and leading, industry standards at OASIS and the OSGi Alliance.

Ranjan Kumar - Architect and Dev lead, WebSphere Application Server Development. Focused on WebSphere & Liberty on Cloud

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Michael Williams