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IBM Rational ClearCase is rebranded to IBM DevOps Code ClearCase and the new Version 11 is part of our combined IBM DevOps Automation 2024.03 release.
DevOps Code ClearCase V 11.0 includes new and enhanced features to enable your organization to develop complex software and systems faster with improved quality. From small workgroup at a single location up to highly distributet teams spanning multiple geographies, DevOps Code ClearCase provides the scalability and governance required to meet your organizations’ needs.
Join this webinar to get an overview of the latest features in IBM DevOps Code ClearCase 11.0
Susan Knapp
Susan Knapp is the HCL Development Manager for ClearCase. She has been working with the product for 29 years in various roles.
Osman BurucuIBM DevOps Automation – Product Manager