WAS&Liberty CAB: What's new with SpringBoot on Liberty

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When:  Oct 6, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 10:00 AM (ET)
Open Liberty just released support for Spring Boot 3.x applications, using Java 17 and Jakarta EE 10 as its base. This talk will go into the details of Liberty's Spring Boot support, and the advantages of using Liberty as a platform for running your Spring based applications. In addition, we will discuss the new Open Liberty beta feature (crac-1.3) that provides org.crac APIs that integrate with Liberty InstantOn. We will demonstrate how Liberty's implementation of org.crac can be used with Spring Boot's (version 3.2) usage of CRaC support in order to achieve InstantOn startup times for Spring Boot based applications.


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Claudia Beisiegel
