OK, take the default value of false which is also default behavior, the keep-alive is coming from the server which RPT has no control over. RPT will honor the keep-alive request if possible.
When the test is finished, RPT will close the connection, the test is over, no need to keep it open.
What keep alive = true means is that even when the test is over, RPT will *not* close the connection so the next time the test is called from the loop in the scheudle, it'll reuse the opened connections from the previous test.
This can save possibly running out of "handles" or TCPIP ports
This is in the doc here https://help.blueproddoc.com/rationaltest/rationalperformancetester/10.1/com.ibm.rational.test.lt.doc/topics/taddloops.html
"Loops in schedules close the server connection at the end of each iteration and reopen it at the beginning of the next iteration. This action models the behavior of a user closing and reopening a browser."
So keep alive across test just tells RPT to not close the server connection at the end of each iteration and reopen it at the beginning of the next iteration. You won't see any difference in the Response header for "Keep-alive" at all