The copy that comes with z/OS is intended for use by IBM products (like z/OSMF), but is available for "non-production purposes" (see your z/OS license agreement for a paragraph defining that...). And anyway since you're paying for WAS z/OS (which includes both traditional and Liberty) you'd want to use the one you're paying for so you can get fixes for it. The embedded copy only gets updated (usually) twice a year with some PTFs for security-integrity issues. If you were using the embedded copy (for non-production purposes) and hit a problem you can't get support or even install an existing fix if you found it yourself.
I throw this link in here again where I tried to explain all the different flavors of Liberty floating around.
The embedded copy registers with z/OS differently than the product copy so it shows up separately in your SCRT reports. This will be different than when it is used by IBM products like z/OSMF when it should show up as that product and not Liberty. The net being that if you use the embedded copy for non-production purposes it will show up in SCRT. In case you were wondering...
David Follis
WebSphere z/OS and Java Batch Architect
Poughkeepsie NY
Original Message:
Sent: Fri September 22, 2023 02:03 AM
From: Bob Bonhard
Subject: WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS
Hi all,
We are licensed for tWAS z/OS, but I'm curious -- how does the Liberty installed with the z/OS Server Pack at /usr/lpp/liberty_zos for into the equation? Can it be used instead of the tWAS z/OS-bundles version?
Thank you!
Bob Bonhard
Systems Programmer
United Parcel Service
Mahwah NJ
Original Message:
Sent: Thu September 21, 2023 06:50 AM
From: Jeff Mierzejewski
Subject: WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS
Good morning! WebSphere Liberty is included (and only available as part of) the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS license. But they are installed separately.
You have several install options:
- Download a current compressed copy of Liberty from IBM Fix Central and uncompress it on your z/OS system with pax. THis is called a portable install.
- Order an IBM ServerPac containing a portable install, as a z/OSMF portable software instance.
- Order an IBM ServerPac or CBPDO which contains sample install jobs and repositories; you do the Installation Manager install.
- Install yourself with IBM Installation Manager from downloaded repositories or from the Web. You can download the (fully commented) install jobs from
All of these require entitlement. BUT for non-production use, you can also run Liberty directly from the copy included in all supported levels of z/OS at /usr/lpp/liberty_zos.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jeff Mierzejewski
(I'm the WebSphere install and configuration architect for z/OS)
Jeff Mierzejewski
Software Engineer
Poughkeepsie NY
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 19, 2023 11:29 AM
From: Alexandre Mendes de Assis
Subject: WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS
Hello team, good day!
I need to install WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS and I am looking for some information about this product (product id, fmid, etc) but it is very hard to get this kind of information on IBM site. Sometime I get some pages and it appears that it is embedded with WebSphere Application Server product but sometime it appears to be a standalone distributed product. I am a little confused.
Could someone help me to clarify, please?
Thank you and regards!
Alexandre Mendes de Assis