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WDT doesn't reconnect to the remote liberty server in debug mode.

  • 1.  WDT doesn't reconnect to the remote liberty server in debug mode.

    Posted Sun September 03, 2023 08:22 PM
    WDT doesn't reconnect to the remote liberty server in debug mode.

    * Steps to reproduction *
    1. configure a remote liberty server in WDT.
    2. start the liberty server in debug mode.
    3. confirm the status of the status becomes "Debugging, Synchronized"
    4. kill the remote liberty server.
    5. start liberty (./server start server_name)
    6. WDT reconnect to the remote liberty in "normal" mode. The status becomes "Started, Synchronized"

    Note:at the step 5, if we start the liberty with "./start debug server_name", WDT never reconnects to the remote liberty.

    Yoshiki Yamada
    IBM Japan

  • 2.  RE: WDT doesn't reconnect to the remote liberty server in debug mode.
    Best Answer

    Posted Sun September 03, 2023 08:23 PM
    Add the following two environment variables in server.env


    And start the server with debug command. You will need to add & to let the process run in background.

    ./server debug server_name &

    Yoshiki Yamada
    IBM Japan