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  • 1.  Running Rational License Key Server 9.0 as a Windows Service

    Posted 5 days ago

    Hi all

    I recently updated our RLKS server from 8.1.4 to 9.0.  The update itself was done through the IBM Installation Manager, and I then followed these instructions on getting the lmgrd process running - How to Install RLKS 9.0 on a Windows Platform (

    Unfortunately, doing it via this command line method means the moment I logoff the process stops and no-one can get a license!  I've tried creating a new service via the LMTOOLS GUI, but when starting it in services.msc it immediately stops again.

    We had it running via a Windows service for version 8, so I'm wondering why it doesn't seem to work on version 9.

    One option seems to be to set up a scheduled task, but this feels a bit messy compared to using a service.

    Michael Cargill

  • 2.  RE: Running Rational License Key Server 9.0 as a Windows Service

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi Michael Cargill,

    The IBM License Key Server service will be automatically created on Windows operating system whenever you install LKS v 9.0.

    The next step is to edit the LKS_License.dat and update the license keys under bin folder.

    Either you can Run the 'startLKS.bat' script in the command prompt to start the LKS or from the Windows Service app you can started it.

    Kindly request you to please refresh the service app and look for the IBM License Key Serve


    Shankar Nath

    Technical Support Professional / ICL Technical Lead


  • 3.  RE: Running Rational License Key Server 9.0 as a Windows Service

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi Michael Cargill,

    The IBM License Key Server service will be automatically created on Windows operating system whenever you install LKS v 9.0.

    The next step is to edit the LKS_License.dat and update the license keys under bin folder.

    Either you can Run the 'startLKS.bat' script in the command prompt to start the LKS or from the Windows Service app you can started it.

    Kindly request you to please refresh the service app and look for the IBM License Key Serve


    Shankar Nath
