WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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  • 1.  Liberty for z/OS exceptions at startup/shutdown

    Posted 5 days ago

    Hello all,

    I have a brand new instance of Liberty running on z/OS. I  have deployed a simple application to this instance and it appears to be working fine. However, I get the following errors, related to the message store,  in both the console.log and messages.log files. For each of these files I copied/pasted snippets of both the startup and the shutdown sequences.  I have done initial research (mostly Google searches) to figure out what is going on to no avail yet. Can someone please shed some light? 

    I can provide the  FFDC incident reports if necessary.


    Liberty version:

    JRE: IBM 1.8.0_421

    z/OS 03.01.00, s390x

    Thank you in advance.

    // Messages.log
    product = Liberty Dev Use (wlp-1.0.93.cl241020240827-1743)
    wlp.install.dir = /z/XXXXXX/liberty/
    java.home = /C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64
    java.version = 1.8.0_421
    java.runtime = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment ( - pmz6480sr8fp32-20240923_01(SR8 FP32))
    os = z/OS (03.01.00; s390x) (en_US)
    process = 84214689@USILCA31
    Classpath = /z/XXXXXX/liberty/
    Java Library path = /C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x/compressedrefs:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x/compressedrefs:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x/j9vm:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/../lib/s390x:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64//lib/icc:/C/java/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/s390x:/usr/lpp/IBM/zoau/v1r3/lib:/usr/lpp/IBM/cyp/v3r12/pyz/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lpp/Printsrv/lib
    [2/19/25 17:59:23:854 EST] 0000002f com.ibm.ws.ssl.config.WSKeyStore                             A CWPKI0820A: The default keystore has been created using the 'keystore_password' environment variable.
    [2/19/25 17:59:23:899 EST] 00000026 ibm.ws.security.authentication.internal.jaas.JAASServiceImpl I CWWKS1123I: The collective authentication plugin with class name NullCollectiveAuthenticationPlugin has been activated. 
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:012 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.security.jaspi.AuthConfigFactoryWrapper           I CWWKS1655I: The default Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JASPIC) AuthConfigFactory class com.ibm.ws.security.jaspi.ProviderRegistry is being used because the Java security property authconfigprovider.factory is not set. 
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:046 EST] 00000037 com.ibm.ws.security.ready.internal.SecurityReadyServiceImpl  I CWWKS0008I: The security service is ready.
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:047 EST] 00000037 com.ibm.ws.security.token.ltpa.internal.LTPAKeyCreateTask    I CWWKS4105I: LTPA configuration is ready after 0.170 seconds.
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:120 EST] 0000002f com.ibm.ws.ssl.config.WSKeyStore                             I Successfully loaded default keystore: /z/XXXXXX/liberty/ of type: PKCS12
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:261 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.logging.internal.impl.IncidentImpl                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "com.ibm.ws.objectManager.LogFileExhaustedException: CWSOM1018E: The Object=com.ibm.ws.objectManager.FileLogInput$SectorValidatedInputStream@8842c40d(Object) detected the end of the input log file because of the underlying Exception=java.lang.Exception: SectorBit(Exception).  com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.persistence.objectManager.PersistableMessageStoreImpl.start 1:418:" at ffdc_25.02.19_17.59.24.0.log
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:265 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSIS1591E: The file store has caught an unexpected exception during initialisation.
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:273 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.logging.internal.impl.IncidentImpl                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.SeverePersistenceException: Unexpected exception caught initializing file store: CWSOM1018E: The Object=com.ibm.ws.objectManager.FileLogInput$SectorValidatedInputStream@8842c40d(Object) detected the end of the input log file because of the underlying Exception=java.lang.Exception: SectorBit(Exception).  com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.impl.MessageStoreImpl.start 755" at ffdc_25.02.19_17.59.24.1.log
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:273 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSIS0002E: The messaging engine encountered an exception while starting. Exception: com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.SeverePersistenceException: Unexpected exception caught initializing file store: CWSOM1018E: The Object=com.ibm.ws.objectManager.FileLogInput$SectorValidatedInputStream@8842c40d(Object) detected the end of the input log file because of the underlying Exception=java.lang.Exception: SectorBit(Exception). 
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:275 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSID0034E: Messaging engine defaultME cannot be started: caught exception thrown by  start()
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:276 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSID0027E: Messaging engine defaultME cannot be restarted because a serious error has been reported.
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:277 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          I  CWSID0108I: JMS server has started.  
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:622 EST] 00000028 .apache.cxf.cxf.core.3.2:1.0.93.cl241020240827-1743(id=216)] I Aries Blueprint packages not available. So namespaces will not be registered
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:679 EST] 0000002f org.apache.cxf.ext.logging.osgi.Activator                    I CXF message logging feature disabled
    [2/19/25 17:59:24:846 EST] 00000029 com.ibm.ws.transport.iiop.internal.ORBWrapperInternal        A CWWKI0001I: The CORBA name server is now available at corbaloc:iiop:localhost:23594/NameService

    [2/19/25 18:34:09:806 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.transport.iiop.internal.ORBWrapperInternal        A CWWKI0002I: The CORBA name server is no longer available at corbaloc:iiop:localhost:23594/NameService.
    [2/19/25 18:34:09:963 EST] 000000df ibm.ws.security.authentication.internal.jaas.JAASServiceImpl I CWWKS1124I: The collective authentication plugin with class name NullCollectiveAuthenticationPlugin has been deactivated. 
    [2/19/25 18:34:09:979 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.security.ready.internal.SecurityReadyServiceImpl  I CWWKS0009I: The security service has stopped.
    [2/19/25 18:34:10:101 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.logging.internal.impl.IncidentImpl                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized. stop 1:854:1.108" at ffdc_25.02.19_18.34.10.0.log
    [2/19/25 18:34:10:105 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSID0003E: An internal error occurred; reason: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized.
    [2/19/25 18:34:10:122 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.logging.internal.impl.IncidentImpl                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized. destroy 1:910:1.108" at ffdc_25.02.19_18.34.10.1.log
    [2/19/25 18:34:10:123 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          E  CWSID0003E: An internal error occurred; reason: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized.
    [2/19/25 18:34:10:124 EST] 000000df com.ibm.ws.sib.utils.ras.SibMessage                          I  CWSID0121I: JMS server stopped.  
    [2/19/25 18:34:12:654 EST] 00000001 com.ibm.ws.kernel.launch.internal.FrameworkManager           A CWWKE0036I: The server defaultServer stopped after 34 minutes, 56.087 seconds.

    // Console.log
    Launching defaultServer (Liberty Dev Use on IBM J9 VM, version - pmz6480sr8fp32-20240923_01(SR8 FP32) (en_US)
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKE0001I: The server defaultServer has been launched.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKZ0058I: Monitoring dropins for applications.
    [AUDIT   ] CWPKI0820A: The default keystore has been created using the 'keystore_password' environment variable.
    [ERROR   ]  CWSIS1591E: The file store has caught an unexpected exception during initialisation.
    [ERROR   ]  CWSIS0002E: The messaging engine encountered an exception while starting. Exception: com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.SeverePersistenceException: Unexpected exception caught initializing file store: CWSOM1018E: The Object=com.ibm.ws.objectManager.FileLogInput$SectorValidatedInputStream@8842c40d(Object) detected the end of the input log file because of the underlying Exception=java.lang.Exception: SectorBit(Exception).
    [ERROR   ]  CWSID0034E: Messaging engine defaultME cannot be started: caught exception thrown by  start()
    [ERROR   ]  CWSID0027E: Messaging engine defaultME cannot be restarted because a serious error has been reported.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKI0001I: The CORBA name server is now available at corbaloc:iiop:localhost:23594/NameService.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKF0012I: The server installed the following features: [appClientSupport-1.0, appSecurity-2.0, appSecurity-3.0, batch-1.0, beanValidation-2.0, cdi-2.0, concurrent-1.0, distributedMap-1.0, ejb-3.2, ejbHome-3.2, ejbLite-3.2, ejbPersistentTimer-3.2, ejbRemote-3.2, el-3.0, j2eeManagement-1.1, jacc-1.5, jaspic-1.1, javaMail-1.6, javaee-8.0, jaxb-2.2, jaxrs-2.1, jaxrsClient-2.1, jaxws-2.2, jca-1.7, jcaInboundSecurity-1.0, jdbc-4.2, jms-2.0, jndi-1.0, jpa-2.2, jpaContainer-2.2, jsf-2.3, jsonb-1.0, jsonp-1.1, jsp-2.3, localConnector-1.0, managedBeans-1.0, mdb-3.2, servlet-4.0, ssl-1.0, wasJmsClient-2.0, wasJmsSecurity-1.0, wasJmsServer-1.0, webProfile-8.0, websocket-1.1].
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKF0011I: The defaultServer server is ready to run a smarter planet. The defaultServer server started in 10.390 seconds.

    [AUDIT   ] CWWKE0055I: Server shutdown requested on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:34 PM. The server defaultServer is shutting down.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKE1100I: Waiting for up to 30 seconds for the server to quiesce.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKI0002I: The CORBA name server is no longer available at corbaloc:iiop:localhost:23594/NameService.
    [ERROR   ]  CWSID0003E: An internal error occurred; reason: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized.
    [ERROR   ]  CWSID0003E: An internal error occurred; reason: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CWSIS0505E: The message store is in an incorrect state, Uninitialized.
    [AUDIT   ] CWWKE0036I: The server defaultServer stopped after 34 minutes, 56.087 seconds.

    Octavio Echevarria

  • 2.  RE: Liberty for z/OS exceptions at startup/shutdown

    Posted 5 days ago

    Hi, it appears that the message store (SIBus) cannot be initialized.

    [2/19/25 17:59:24:273 EST] 00000026 com.ibm.ws.logging.internal.impl.IncidentImpl                I FFDC1015I: An FFDC Incident has been created: "com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.SeverePersistenceException: Unexpected exception caught initializing file store: CWSOM1018E: The Object=com.ibm.ws.objectManager.FileLogInput$SectorValidatedInputStream@8842c40d(Object) detected the end of the input log file because of the underlying Exception=java.lang.Exception: SectorBit(Exception).  com.ibm.ws.sib.msgstore.impl.MessageStoreImpl.start 755" at ffdc_25.02.19_17.59.24.1.log

    It may be the message store is corrupted or there is an access issue.  More information would be in the FFDC log above.  If you do not need to use the message store, then I would suggest not adding it to the configuration in the server,xml


    Brian S Paskin
    Sr. Technology Engineer
    IBM Cloud Engineering