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  • 1.  How to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin command?

    Posted Mon April 26, 2021 01:40 AM

    What are the commands to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin scripting tool in WebSphere Application Server?


  • 2.  RE: How to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin command?
    Best Answer

    Posted Mon April 26, 2021 01:44 AM

    You can change the Generic JVM arguments using wsadmin scripting tool.

    [wsadmin scripting tool]


    We have only the function to set/replace it.

    (We don't have a function to remove a part of it.)

    Here is the sample:


    If you need to change the Generic JVM arguments for server1 under Node01.

    1) Start the wsadmin scripting tool

    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username [username] -password [password]

    2) check the current Generic JVM arguments

    wsadmin>print AdminTask.showJVMProperties('[-nodeName Node01 -serverName server1 -propertyName genericJvmArguments]')

    * please replace the each value to your node name and server name.

    3) set the value for generic JVM arguments

    wsadmin>AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments('[-nodeName Node01 -serverName server1 -genericJvmArguments "xxxxx"]')

    * please replace xxxxx to your value which you need to use from now on.

    You will receive 'true' after setting it.

    4) save the changes


    5) check the Generic JVM arguments if it has changed correctly.

    wsadmin>print AdminTask.showJVMProperties('[-nodeName Node01 -serverName server1 -propertyName genericJvmArguments]')

    6) restart the server1 for the changes to take effect.


    For more detail on parameters (setGenericJVMArguments and showJVMProperties), please refer to the following link:

    [ServerManagement command group for the AdminTask object]



  • 3.  RE: How to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin command?

    Posted Mon October 02, 2023 03:28 PM

    This solution doesn't really seem to allow replacing / editing specific parts of the generic JVM arguments.

    For example, if these arguments are defined:

    "-Xdump:stack:events=allocation,filter=#32m -Xverbosegclog:verbosegc.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.txt,10,10000"

    then I can't just replace the -Xverbosegclog  parameter with another value, e.g. if I want 20000 instead of 10000 cycles. I have to specify the entire string of generic JVM arguments again - which means I need to add some logic to parse and recompose the entire string again - 
    or is there another solution?

    Christian Lohmann

  • 4.  RE: How to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin command?

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 01:51 AM

    There is no way just to update the JVM arguments without either using the console or using a command like sed on Unix/Linux to do a find and replace of it, then you would to synchronize the nodes.


    Brian S Paskin
    Sr. Technology Engineer
    IBM Cloud Engineering

  • 5.  RE: How to change the Generic JVM Arguments using wsadmin command?

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 09:44 AM

    You must run the following command

    /wsadmin.sh -lang jython -port {{ __dmgr_soap_port }} -username {{ __was_username }} -password {{ __was_password }} -f {{ __rsp_file }}

    and in response file use this code, example:

    #Configure Applicaton Security
    AdminTask.setJVMProperties('[-nodeName {{ __was_nodename }} -serverName dmgr -verboseModeGarbageCollection true -initialHeapSize 2048 -maximumHeapSize 2048  -genericJvmArguments "-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US"]')
    #Save and Synchronise
    AdminConfig.create('Property', '(cells/{{ __was_cellname }}/nodes/{{ __was_nodename }}/servers/dmgr|server.xml#JavaVirtualMachine_1)', '[[validationExpression ""] [name "java.net.preferIPv4Stack"] [description ""] [value "true"] [required "false"]]') 
    # End of File

    In my genericJvmArguments, I put the JVM to use English as default language.

    If you need to change in multiple server, you can see my Ansible scripts: https://github.com/ebasso/ansible-ibm-websphere/
