Java, Semeru Runtimes and Runtimes for Business

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  • 1.  gpl2

    Posted Wed March 22, 2023 09:14 AM

    In semeru openjdk 11 are 4 files that still have the gpl 2 header that makes it hard to use it in commercial projects.

    its in\jdk.internal.le\jdk\internal\org\jline\terminal\impl\jna\win\

    In semeru openjdk 17 those files have the classpath exception added. 
    Wouldn't it be possible to port the files to the jdk 11 too, so it is save to use the jdk 11?

    Arnd Empting

  • 2.  RE: gpl2

    Posted Thu March 23, 2023 05:49 AM

    Hi Arnd,

    Thanks for letting us know about this. We are investigating.

    Paul Cheeseman

  • 3.  RE: gpl2

    Posted Thu March 23, 2023 11:31 AM

    We have corrected the headers for our next Semeru 11 release. The upstream OpenJDK 11 code has the same issue, so we'll look at getting it fixed there too.

    Thanks again for reporting this.

    Paul Cheeseman

  • 4.  RE: gpl2

    Posted Fri March 24, 2023 01:57 AM

    Hi Paul, 

    that is really great news for me as i wasn't going to get the jdk past our quality assurance gate with those licence headers. 
    Is it safe to assume a new release will happen in the next quarter?! (is there a public roadmap about planned release cycles?) 


    Arnd Empting

  • 5.  RE: gpl2

    Posted Fri March 24, 2023 04:58 AM

    Hi Arnd,

    We don't publish a roadmap, but the next OpenJDK release will be on April 18, and the equivalent Semeru release will follow soon after that.

    Paul Cheeseman