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Don't miss the Fall WUG Roadshow hands-on lab (November 9)

  • 1.  Don't miss the Fall WUG Roadshow hands-on lab (November 9)

    Posted Mon November 08, 2021 01:24 PM
    Edited by Diane Chalmers Mon November 08, 2021 01:26 PM

    Join us for the Fall WUG Roadshow hands-on lab.  We have three sessions available for you to join.
    November 9:  Coding Java in a Kubernetes World (hands-on lab)
    Is enterprise Java still relevant today? Even in a cloud-native and Kubernetes-centric world? Are there modern and open cloud-native Java APIs that will make life easier for today's developers? In this workshop, we will dive into technologies like MicroProfile and Jakarta EE that are leading the way to provide developers with open community-driven vendor-neutral solutions to build robust and scalable microservices and cloud-native applications. There will be opportunities for participants to get their hands dirty working with these Java APIs using cloud-hosted environments.

    Diane Chalmers
    Project Manager for WebSphere User Groups