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Can anyone lety me know how to resolve it.

  • 1.  Can anyone lety me know how to resolve it.

    Posted Thu June 17, 2021 11:45 AM

    Dear Experts,

    RTRT query.

    We are using RTRT executable for generating instrumenting and preprocessing files and files are generating successfully. When we are loading these files into our target board (Cypress Controller) we are facing memory issue. We find out the issue is happening in atc.c file where the length is not updating as desired. We want your assistance on this to resolve this issue.


  • 2.  RE: Can anyone lety me know how to resolve it.

    Posted Thu June 24, 2021 03:43 PM


    We need to have the context of the problem to give you some leads, TestRT version, TDP used, ...

    Problem occurs when loading executable on the target? Writting in the buffer.

    Any error message? build logs?

    Howt he dump is done?

    What length? buffer lenght?
