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  • 1.  Authenticate using OIDC TAI programmatically - No redirection

    Posted 2 days ago

    Dear community members,

    I have successfully configured the com.ibm.ws.security.oidc.client.RelyingParty interceptor for my Spring Boot web application, and the authentication works seamlessly.

    When I try to access a protected resource that is not included in the excludedPath filter, I am redirected to the Microsoft login page. After entering the credentials and upon successful authentication, I am redirected back to the requested resource as an authenticated user.

    Now, I want to configure  almost the same with another Spring boot application but it does nor have frontend part it is just a REST API and no user interaction, meaning that redirection to the Microsoft login page is not an acceptable option. It should be done programmatically and I imagine the following steps:

    1. User calls unprotected https://hostname/v1/api/token , providing username and password (azure app registration is created with ROPC) and WebSphere returns LtpaToken2 cookie
    2. Users calls a protected url https://hostname/v1/api/getCaseList providing the Ltpa2Token cookie got from the previous call

    How should be configured the OIDC to handle above requests ? I would like to avoid user interaction of passing usr/pass in webform, The credentials will be provided in the body and authentication against Azure will be done by the username and password  provided by the user and clientId and secret configured in the TAI.

    Currently I have the following configuration in my interceptor:

    Thank you very much for your support!


    Petre Petreski

  • 2.  RE: Authenticate using OIDC TAI programmatically - No redirection

    Posted 22 hours ago

    Hi Petre, If you have the username and password of the user, you can obtain a password grant access token using the OauthClientHelper API.  Then you make a call to your protected endpoint with the access token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request.  This will make the OIDC TAI perform introspection instead of going down the path that requires interactive login.

    Barbara Jensen