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IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 FP10 ( (3Q23 Update) Released!

By Surya Narkedimilli posted Thu August 17, 2023 02:07 PM


UPDATE: IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 FP10 ( is now available for Solaris and MacOSX platforms. 

We are pleased to announce the general availability of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 FP10 ( across all supported platforms except for Solaris and MacOSX. The binaries have been made available across all distribution sites as on August 17th, 2023. This release is based on Oracle's Jul’23 CPU update.

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 FP10 contains the following key updates:

  • IBM Security features, as listed in Security guide.
  • Features from the latest Eclipse OpenJ9 release, as listed in the Version 0.40.0 OpenJ9 user documentation.
  • Other SDK features like:
    • Support for persistent shared classes cache added on z/OS.
    • Support for Windows native installer, Microsoft Installer (.msi) package. For more information about .msi installation, see Windows .msi Installation guide.
    • New operating system and hardware support RHEL 8.8 and 9.2. For more information, see Supported environments


  • The z/OS binaries at EPWT website will be delayed by a day.

Download Links:

Additional Information:

  • Refer to 'What's New' in IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 FP10 for more details.
  • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 documentation is available here.

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