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IBM Rational Test 10.2 is out!

By Suhas Kashyap posted Thu July 01, 2021 02:10 PM


Want to stay updated on what’s new with IBM Rational Test portfolio? You can always find the latest product updates in this community. It includes write ups, webinars, discussions and what’s happening with the Rational Test products

Here are some highlights from the recent Rational Test 10.2 release

Rational Test Automation Server updates

10.2 is focused on GA-ing our TechPreviewed features like Mobile testing and Service Virtualization and many more usability improvements

  • Service Virtualization (GA) - Allow users to run HTTP/MQ virtual services from RTAS and manage stub executions separately from other test resources. This feature is now GA
  • System under test modeling to support Service Virtualization (GA) - Users are now able to use System Model to examine resources associated with specific components in their System Under Test
  • Team Spaces (GA) - Provides the capability to organize, manage visibility and some assets of projects inside a team space
  • Team-based ACLs for System model operations
  • Ability to easily change the Name and Parent of System Model Components
  • New licensing for Service Virtualization on RTAS - Concurrent Virtual Services based licensing applicable to On Prem or Cloud native deployment of Virtual Services
  • Added new Component column in Resource page so that user can see Virtual Services connected to a Component. Added the ability to sort and filter on Component column
  • Allow the stopping of multiple executions, in particular virtual service instances, in a single request
  • Usability improvements - Many "Quality of life" improvements like the following were added to RTAS. For more details, please refer to the official documentation
    • Ability to select from all the versions of test asset for execution
    • Let the user know when test and server versions are incompatible
    • As a tester/viewer, repositories needs to be migrated before any user logs in
    • Add multiple user defined capabilities

Rational Performance Tester and Rational Service Tester updates

  • Support for Application Support monitoring - To allow testers to get better insight into bottlenecks in their system, RPT will paint requests with a header that will allow APM tools to gather information
  • JSON data to use JSON parsing instead of regular expressions for easier correlation
  • Recording with Microsoft Edge (Chromium based)

Rational Integration Tester updates

  • Added the ability for users to select a range of ephemeral ports a stub can use
  • New stub licensing (Concurrent Virtual Services)
  • Improvements to OAuth2 Authentication and Authorization mechanisms
  • User can create data-driven tests for an operation that uses the message exchange pattern (MEP), and run the test with auto generated test data.
  • JMS subscriber related changes

Rational Functional Tester updates

  • WebUI changes - Web UI now supports Mobile and Windows application testing. So, we've renamed WebUI to "UI"
  • The user is provided a provision to auto update the driver through preferences when playing FT HTML Script.
  • Allow users to record application launched on Microsoft Edge browser by Functional Tester Traditional
  • Enhanced Azure plugin to support all possible options that can be passed to RFT playback
  • General Availability of Mobile and Windows Application Test Automation
  • Unified Report - Export to PDF/JUnit from CLI


You can find some of our latest blogs, videos and Webinars below

Rational Test Client Advocacy Program

Our Client Advocacy Program provides customers a direct point of contact for Rational Test products, promoting a strategic relationship with our technical, management, and executive leaders

Our Client Advocacy Program is Based on:

  • Cohesive and collaborative approach influencing the product roadmaps Proactive communication on product news and updates
  • Support for in-depth product understanding and business needs definition
  • Frequent interaction and feedback sessions during product and feature development
  • If you are a current customer and are interested in our program or have questions, please contact

Contact Us

Suhas Kashyap, Product Manager for Rational Test -

Marianne Hollier, Client Advocacy Manager -
