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Update: TechCon 2022 is over but can be accessed at the links below. TechCon 2023 registration is now live: TechCon Registration Join us for a 3 day virtual event with 6 technical tracks held March 21-March 23, 2023.Join us at our fourth annual technical conference for thought leaders, practitioners and creators. IBM TechCon 2022 will be held April 5-7 as an interactive virtual experience with access to the top minds in IBM Automation, Integration and IBM Partners.Each day we will showcase Steve Wozniak, Co founder of Apple, Inc and Tech industry legend providing some insights from real world experience. There will be 72 LIVE virtual sessions across the following six tracks:
Our Observability and DevOps track also offers many technical DevOps sessions:
Register to read details of the sessions and build your custom schedule here: look forward to seeing you there!