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What's new in the WebSphere Migration Tools

By Ryan Golden posted Fri November 19, 2021 02:52 PM


The WebSphere Application Server Migration Tools can be used to analyze the contents of an application and determine what changes are needed to migrate to Liberty, the new version of WebSphere, or a new version of Java.  In this post we will explore the new features in the release. Information about how to use our tools can be found in the online
WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit documentation. For an overview of the application modernization process, see the Modernizing applications to use WebSphere Liberty learning path.

The Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries (binary scanner) is a command line tool for analyzing application binaries. After scanning the application, it produces a report with configuration information, a list of necessary code changes for migration, and a view of the contents within the archive. This report can be generated in multiple formats, and you can use different parameters to filter information that you would like to be included. More information about the binary scanner can be found in the What is the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries? blog post.

The WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit (source scanner) is an Eclipse plugin for analyzing source code directly within your development environment. The source scanner uses the same set of rules as the binary scanner to flag code changes that will be necessary for your migration.  When possible, automatic code changes (quick fixes) are available. More information about the source scanner can be found in the What is the WebSphere Application Migration Toolkit? blog post.

What's new in the release of the binary scanner?

New Java SE 17 Migration

The --targetJava=java16 non-LTS (Long-Term-Support) option was deprecated and replaced with the --targetJava=java17 option Setting --targetJava=java17 runs all the rules associated with the non-LTS releases since Java 11 plus the extra rules pertaining to the updates made in Java SE 17.  Java SE 17 is a long term supported Java version.

Configuration with a properties file

The Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries can now be configured using a properties file. There is a scanner.properties file in the same directory as the binary scanner jar that can be used to configure your application scans.  A property set on the command line will override the same property setting from the properties file.

User-defined rules update

The detectClass rule type now supports flagging on method visibility for implemented methods through the new accessFlag attribute on implementsMethod.

To try out the new features, download the release of the binary scanner today!

What's new in the release of the source scanner?

New Java SE 17 Migration

The Java SE 16 non-LTS (Long-Term-Support) migration was replaced with Java SE 17 LTS migration. Migrating to Java SE 17 runs all the rules associated with the non-LTS releases since Java 11 plus the extra rules pertaining to the updates made in Java SE 17 Java SE 17 is a long term supported Java version.

To try out the new features, download the release of the source scanner today!

