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What’s New: IBM DevOps Deploy 2024.03 (

By Randall Langehennig posted Tue April 30, 2024 10:58 AM


What’s New: IBM DevOps Deploy 2024.03 (


We are pleased to announce the release of IBM DevOps Deploy version (2024.03).   It has some really nice new features that we wanted to share with you in this blog.  

To read more about the release in the official documentation, please go here:

Export Objects in YAML format

We are all familiar with exporting objects like Applications or Components in a JSON format in DevOps Deploy.   With this release, you can now export objects in a YAML format through the web-based UI.  

Here is an example where I export an application and notice the new option to export to YAML:

All the REST API calls supported YAML format starting in the 8.0.0 release and now in 8.0.1 the web-based UI has added options to support YAML format as well.

Recycle Bin for the Resource Tree

The 8.0.1 release has a introduced a Recycle Bin tab for the Resource Tree.   You can delete resources from the Resource Tree page and restore the deleted resources from the Recycle Bin page.

This helps to prevent a user from accidentally deleting large portions of a resource tree which in the past were removed from the system immediately.   With the Recycle Bin tab, you can recover items removed by mistake.  

Deleting a resource removes it from the resource tree, not from the system.   The deleted resources are moved to the Recycle Bin page.   By default, the resources remain in the recycle bin for 14 days, after which they are deleted permanently from the system.

Here is an example of how to restore a resource in the Recycle Bin:

For more information on this feature, please see:

Unavailable Status for Online Agents

You can now make agents “unavailable”, so they are not scheduled for jobs and are not resolved in agent pools.  By using the unavailable state, you can prepare an agent for a shutdown.  

When you mark the agent as unavailable, you will see this this new status appear for the agent:

This allows you to perform your maintenance as required on the agent.    Just in case, there is a menu item for the agent to allow you to mark the agent as available once again.

For all the details about this new feature, please see for more information.

Other New Capabilities and Enhancements

We also added the following additional capabilities and enhancements to improve DevOps Deploy for our clients in the 8.0.1 release:

Added the Load Compliancy option to show compliance on the snapshot dashboard.

The Load Compliancy option is added to the snapshot dashboard page.   This option prevents a performance impact that can occur when compliance data is loaded on every environment when you view the application environment list page.

By default, the inventory compliancy details will not appear until you click the 'Load Compliancy' button as shown below:

Added enhancements for web server communication

- Added support for rotating the web communication key-certificate pair used for server identity without disrupting agent communication.

- Added the server.key.alias property that specifies which key-certificate pair is used for web communication server identity.

Added support for Java 21 This release supports Java 21 version.
Added CLIs for environment gates and environment gate templates

Added the ability to create, read, update, and delete environment gates and environment gate templates using a CLI.

See the documentation for the environment resource for more details here:

Included the capability of sorting resource properties in batch mode While viewing resource properties, the sorting order specified for properties in table mode is applied to the batch mode as well.
Added a Maven source configuration plug-in enhancement When a new component version is created for Maven artifacts (manually or automatically), a version link is created that specifies the binary version folder path for the imported version.
Updated the Argo CD plug-in Updated the Argo CD plug-in to include support for Argo CD component version as deployment inventory when the app-sync step runs.

