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IBM DevOps Deploy Upgrade Best Practice - a Linux example with a MySQL 8.0 database

By Randall Langehennig posted Tue April 16, 2024 05:18 PM


IBM DevOps Deploy Upgrade Best Practice – MySQL and Linux Example


This document provides an example with best practice for how to upgrade an IBM DevOps Deploy Server.   This example shows an upgrade from to using a backend database of MySQL 8.0.  This upgrade is performed on a Linux host.

Download the latest version of IBM DevOps Deploy from Fix Central

Before you perform the upgrade, the first step will be to download the latest version of DevOps Deploy.   You can find the latest versions of IBM Fix Central

Type “IBM DevOps Deploy” in the product selector field and then select the “Installed Version” of your choice as shown below:

Following the download, transfer the ibm-devops-deploy-8.*.zip to your Deploy server system.   I transferred my zip to the /downloads/ucd- folder as shown below:

Unzip the zip file and the ‘devops-deploy-install’ folder will be created with all the installer files.

Backup the Database and Deploy Filesystem

Before we perform the upgrade, follow these steps as a best practice on a Linux host with MySQL 8 backend database.   The steps will be similar for other operating systems and database types.

1.        Stop the Deploy Server process

I ran these commands to stop the Deploy Server process:

# cd /opt/IBM/ucd-server/bin

# ./server stop

I also ran a “ps -eaf | grep java” to make sure the server process was not running.

2.        Check the status of the MySQL database

I ran this command:

# systemctl status mysqld

Validate the MySQL Server is running as shown below:

3.        Backup the database

To perform the backup with MySQL 8, I ran this command:

# mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases > mysql_dbbackup_8.0.0_04162024.sql

I moved the SQL file that was generated to a ucd-backups folder that I had created in /downloads.   Feel free to place this in a location of your choice.   We will need this to restore the database should the upgrade fail.

4.        Backup the Deploy filesystem

You should also backup your deploy installation root folder to be restored should the upgrade fail.   I followed these steps:

# cd /opt/IBM

# tar -cvf ucd-server-8.0.0.tar.gzip ucd-server

You should see the .tar.gzip file on the filesystem as shown below:


We are now ready to perform the upgrade of the DevOps Deploy Server.

Upgrade the DevOps Deploy Server

With the database and the filesystem backed up, we can initiate our upgrade of the DevOps Deploy Server.  

Follow these steps to perform the upgrade:

1.        Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable appropriately for your server.  In my case, I am using Java 11 and I set JAVA_HOME this way:

# export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java1.11/jdk-11.0.17

2.        Change directory to the location where your installation files reside.  In my case, I ran this command:

# cd /downloads/ucd-

# cd devops-deploy-install

3.        Run the installation script to perform the upgrade.   I ran this command:

# ./

The installation will begin.   After you provide the path to the installation root for your DevOps Deploy Server, you should see a screen like this one that shows that a previous version of the software exists in the specified directory.   Type Y to continue with the upgrade:

When you are ready, press Enter to continue after reading the warning about server upgrades cannot be rolled back without having a backup which we performed earlier.

You should see output like this as you continue:

When it completes, press return to exit the installer as shown below:

4.        Start the server.   I ran these commands:

# cd /opt/IBM/ucd-server/bin

# ./server start

5.        Verify that the server comes up and that you can reach the Deploy login screen as shown below:

The version shown above should reflect the version you upgraded to.

      Login and then verify that the web console is working as expected.

Congratulations!   You have successfully performed an upgrade of IBM DevOps Deploy.

