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IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS Version 21 is Generally Available

By PAUL AROCKIAM posted Fri November 22, 2024 08:44 AM


We are pleased to announce the general availability of IBM® Semeru RuntimeTM Certified Edition for z/OS version 21. The binaries have been made available on our standard distribution sites as on 22nd November 2024.

IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS version 21 is built with OpenJDK Java class libraries and latest Eclipse OpenJ9 Java Virtual Machine with z/OS unique security value-adds. It is certified to be compliant with Java Standard Edition application programming interface (APIs) specification version 21. This is the latest Java SDK release for z/OS platform. With this release, customers can now stay current, secure as well as leverage the latest Java language features for the modernization of their Java workloads on z/OS platform.

The introduction of Java Enhancement Proposal (JEP) 400 in Java SE 18 adopted UTF-8 as the default charset for standard Java APIs across all platforms. IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS v21 contains the implementation of JEP 400 that makes UTF-8 the default charset for standard Java APIs across all platforms including z/OS. Clients may have to make changes to their applications while migrating to Java 21 on z/OS. For more information, see File encoding and UTF-8 as default charset section in IBM documentation.

Please refer to the security guide documentation for the list of all the z/OS unique security providers that are delivered as part of this release.

We are also happy to inform that multiple products across the IBM Z platform are simultaneously providing support for developing Java 21 applications on z/OS on the same day as this general availability announcement. See the latest ecosystem product support on z/OS page.

Download Links:

  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS version 21 ( is available on Java Information Manager (JIM) (IBM Only Access).
  • Downloads of IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS version 21 ( is also available at EPWT site.
  • The SMP/E installable format is available only through Shopz. Visit the Shopz website at Shopzseries.

Additional Information:

  • Documentation for IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS version 21 is available here.
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS product page is here.

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