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IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 ( (1Q23 Update) Released!

By PAUL AROCKIAM posted Wed March 29, 2023 02:25 PM


We are pleased to announce the general availability of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 ( across all supported platforms. The binaries have been made available across all distribution sites as on March 29, 2023. This release is based on Oracle's Jan'23 CPU update.

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 contains the following key updates:

  • Technology preview for FIPS 140-3 evaluation (contains changes that might affect all users). The technology preview for FIPS 140-3 can be enabled only on AIX (64-bit), Linux (Big Endian and Little Endian) (64-bit), Linux (x86-64) and Windows platforms. This technology preview is unsupported and is available for users who have existing FIPS 140-2 deployments to assess the changes that are required to move those deployments to the FIPS 140-3 standard. Refer to the FIPS 140-3 Evaluation Technology page of the documentation for more details. We strongly advise all the users to review the details on the 'What's new section of Security Guide' as well as 'FIPS 140-3 Evaluation Technology' page of the documentation since they contain important information about the changes that might affect all users.
  • Several other IBM Security features (Refer here for more details): 
    • New system and security properties added for customizing the generation of a PKCS12 keystore
    • New PBES2 algorithms added for cipher algorithms
    • Default algorithms to encrypt certificates and keys in a PKCS12 keystore are upgraded 
    • Support for SHA-2 HmacPBE algorithms for MAC is added 
    • Default PKCS12 MAC and encryption algorithms are upgraded 
    • SHA-1 signed JAR files are restricted 
    • Some hardware cryptographic cards are no longer supported
  • Features from the latest Eclipse OpenJ9 release, as listed in the Version 0.36.0 OpenJ9 user documentation.
  • Support for the following Operating Systems:
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1

Download Links:

  • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 ( is available on Java Information Manager (JIM) (IBM Only Access).
  • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 ( is available for downloads at IBM Support pages.

Additional Information:

  • Refer to 'What's New' in IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 SR8 for more details.
  • IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, v8.0 documentation is available here.

#releaseannouncement #java #ibmsdkjavatechnologyedition 

1 comment



Wed April 12, 2023 05:17 AM

Great News! Thank you for sharing!