Java, Semeru Runtimes and Runtimes for Business

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[Update] Announcing extension to availability of IBM Semeru Runtimes V11

By Murali Krishna Veeravalli posted Tue September 12, 2023 09:34 AM


Please read the update on the extension of end of availability for Semeru Runtimes V11 here.


IBM extends availability for Semeru Runtimes V11 from Oct 2024 to Nov 2026. The IBM Semeru Runtimes support page is now updated to reflect this additional two years of availability for Version 11.

By extending availability for Version 11, IBM will continue to release security and bug fix updates on a quarterly cadence until Nov 2026, publicly and with no cost. Customers with entitled support for IBM Semeru Runtimes V11 via an actively licensed bundling IBM product or IBM Runtimes for Business can continue to raise support tickets and receive defect fixes where appropriate.

Recognizing that there has been significant change in the delivery cadence of Long Term Support (LTS) Java releases, IBM understands that many customers have only recently migrated to Java 11 or are in the process of doing so. With the Oct 2024 end of availability for OpenJDK Java 11 fast approaching, not all customers have had enough time with Java 11 before they need to start planning their transition to a later LTS release.

While we encourage all our customers to move to more modern/recent LTS versions of Java that are now being released every two years, this availability extension announcement for Semeru Runtimes V11 gives customers an extra two years to help plan and implement a smooth transition from V11 to the latest versions of IBM Semeru Runtimes.





