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IBM TechXchange Conference Session 2822: Streamlining Cloud-Native Java Development with Liberty Tools

By Megan Irvine posted Tue August 22, 2023 11:55 AM

I’ve worked at IBM for 20+ years, and I think that now more than ever, it’s an exciting time to be a developer. The latest Liberty Tools empower developers to rapidly iterate and streamline the writing, testing, and debugging of cloud-native Java applications on Liberty by using popular IDEs such as Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio Code. 

Liberty Tools on Marketplace

In this hands-on lab session, you get to experience firsthand the benefits of using Liberty Tools for Java development. You get to run Liberty in dev mode as you implement new features in an application, and see the results of your changes immediately, without having to restart the server. You also learn how to run tests, view test reports, and attach a debugger for the full developer experience. 
Top 3 things that you will learn in my session are:
  • The power of Liberty dev mode
  • Getting started with Liberty Tools extension for Visual Studio Code
  • Running tests and integrating a debugger with Liberty Tools in Visual Studio Code
Here are the details:
Session ID: 2822
Date / Time: Tue, September 12, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM PDT
Location: Boulevard 156, Level 1
Be sure to register for the TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.
Lightening Round 
• What would be your superpower and why? Omniscience, because I know everything.
• Ice cream or cake?  Ice cream.
• Cats or dogs?  Both.
• Summer or winter? Neither, I’m an autumn.
• Morning or evening? Midday.
• eBook or paper book? Audible.
• TV shows or movies?  Yes.
• A night out or a night in?  Flip a coin.
• Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first?  Depends.
• Go-to karaoke song?  “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. You’re welcome.
• Drive or fly?  Drive.
Register for TechXchange 2023


