WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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Upskilling a New Generation on WebSphere and Liberty

By Megan Irvine posted Tue November 09, 2021 09:00 AM


You might think that with a product like WebSphere Application Server, which has been around for 20+ years, the need for training on it today is not that critical. However, since its introduction in 1998, the WebSphere family has continued to expand and evolve to meet the needs of business. The platform has seen a paradigm shift from on-premises to cloud computing, and from SOA to microservices. Not to mention, a whole new generation of workers has joined the workforce. New hires and experienced employees alike - all need to obtain or update their skills accordingly.

Read on to learn more about the training offerings that are available for WebSphere.

Content built by experts

The content in the WebSphere curriculum is created and maintained by IBM Expert Labs, and other subject matter experts across IBM. So, what does that mean, exactly? IBM Expert Labs draws on 20+ years of industry experience. They understand the needs of business, and how to use IBM products to find solutions. IBM Expert Labs also has a close relationship with engineering (IBM Labs), which means having first-in-line access to product insights, features, and solutions. The WebSphere curriculum is backed by this unique expertise.

Role-based learning paths and certifications

One way to find just the right training is through role-based learning paths. Role-based learning paths provide an organized list of prescriptive training resources that are focused on a specific job role, and eventually lead to a professional certification.

With the release of WebSphere Hybrid Edition earlier this year, there is a new learning path for WebSphere Hybrid Edition Solution Architect, including a new course, Application Migration and Modernization with IBM WebSphere Hybrid Edition, and a new certification - IBM Certified Solution Architect - WebSphere Hybrid Edition V5.0.

Learning path for WebSphere Hybrid Edition solution architect

WebSphere Hybrid Edition is a unified WebSphere solution that bundles WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Liberty, and WebSphere Network Deployment with tools to modernize applications and cloud-enable IT. With WebSphere Hybrid Edition, you can optimize your entitlements while maximizing ROI.

The learning path for WebSphere Application Server System Administrator was also updated this year to include the latest assets currently available.

Learning path for WebSphere Application Server system administrator

This learning path includes assets for every skill level: Associate, Professional, and Advanced, and covers specialized topics such as troubleshooting and performance tuning.

These learning paths provide a description of each asset included, and a link to access or enroll in the course. Assets can be free or fee-based offerings, depending on the level and type of asset. They can include published articles, eLearning, badges, classroom training, and other resources.

These learning paths continue to be updated, and new learning paths are created as new assets become available. New courses on WebSphere and Liberty are currently in the works, so stay tuned here for announcements about new offerings.

You can use these learning paths to prepare for taking a certification exam, or just fill in the gaps in your skill set. And, if you purchase an IBM Digital Learning Subscription, you can get easy access to eLearning courses, with hands-on labs included, for 12 months.

Digital learning subscriptions

An IBM Digital Learning Subscription allows you access to IBM digital learning content for 12 months – all at one low price. It’s a great way to get a lot of training while sticking to a budget. It also includes any new material released during your subscription's duration. Choose courses that map to your learning journey and desired role. Move at your own pace. Choose six self-paced courses with labs and three web-based training courses during your subscription.

IBM Automation Digital Learning Subscription Catalog
