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NEW RELEASE - DevOps Test 2024.06 – Now Supports Java 17

By Mark Garcia posted 7 days ago


Our testing products have been updated to support Java 17, which provides better performance and security.

Here is a reminder of our DevOps Test rebranded names:

Here are some highlights of our latest release:

DevOps Test Hub

        • Enhanced Machine learning (ML) insights on Performance tests

A new parameter called Performance Agent Health is now added in Performance tests or Schedules to improve machine learning (ML) insights for performance testing. See Machine learning capabilities in DevOps Test Hub.

        • Support to run SAP tests on DevOps Test Hub

You can now run the SAP tests that were created in DevOps Test UI on DevOps Test Hub. For more information, refer to Task flow for running SAP tests on DevOps Test Hub.


        • Enhancements to the Integration user interface

The Integration feature now includes an enhanced user interface. Previously, the Change Management and Test Management were presented in separate tabs. Now, they are integrated into a single improved user interface that offers seamless management of both Test and Change integrations.

DevOps Test Performance

        • Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 17 in DevOps Test Performance

DevOps Test Performance now uses Java 17 instead of Java 8. You can now test Java-based applications without enabling the Java environment.

DevOps Test UI

        •  Enhancements in the design editor to manage images

You can now select multiple images and perform actions such as delete, disable, or enable on the design editor page. See Editing a web application design.


        • Support to run SAP tests on DevOps Test Hub

You can now run the SAP tests that were created in DevOps Test UI on DevOps Test Hub. See Task flow for running SAP tests on DevOps Test Hub.

        • Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 17 in DevOps Test UI

DevOps Test UI now uses Java 17 instead of Java 8. You can now test Java-based applications without enabling the Java environment.

DevOps Test Integrations and APIs


        • Support for Java 11 and 17 in the Integration Tester Jenkins plugin

The Integration Tester Jenkins plugin is now compatible with Java 11 and 17.

What’s new in DevOps Test 2024.06

 Click on the links below for additional capabilities.

IBM DevOps Test Hub

IBM DevOps Test Virtualization

IBM DevOps Test Workbench

IBM DevOps Test UI

IBM DevOps Test Integrations and APIs

IBM DevOps Test Performance


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IBM DevOps Test Integrations and APIs

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Our Client Advocacy Program is based on:

A cohesive and collaborative approach influencing the product roadmaps

Proactive communication on product news and updates

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If you are a current customer and are interested in our program or have other product questions, please contact any of us below.

Contact Us

Mark Garcia, Product Manager, IBM DevOps Test and Test Virtualization –

Marianne Hollier, Client Advocacy Manager -

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