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UrbanCode Deploy for IBM z/OS

By Laurel Dickson-Bull posted Fri May 13, 2022 09:59 AM

UrbanCode Deploy (now DevOps Deploy) can be used to automate deployment to mainframes. UrbanCode Deploy not only reduces the time it takes to deploy applications to the mainframe, but it also provides consistency, quality, and troubleshooting by making it possible to track apps and configurations from one deployment to another.

You can use UrbanCode Deploy to deploy applications natively to z/OS as well as distributed systems. That means one deployment automation and orchestration tool is enough to cover both the distributed and z/OS platforms.

As organizations adopt DevOps tools and methods, they also change their culture to integrate, automate, and provide transparency and visibility. A DevOps transformation won’t be successful without including z/OS into the transforment practices. Mobile applications make millions of z Systems backend calls every day (for example, calls to COBOL and PL/1. Using DevOps tools and methods, the development and deployment of backend code is kept in sync with that of the mobile front end, allowing faster time to market, and continuous improvement.


How UrbanCode Deploy deploys natively to z/OS

UrbanCode for IBM z/OS is like UrbanCode Deploy for distributed systems – it uses an UrbanCode Deploy server and agents, process designer and plug-ins. The primary difference is the format of the UrbanCode Deploy component. For z/OS, the UrbanCode Deploy component understands deployment artifacts as datasets. There is also a z/OS toolkit that is used to collect executables into datasets from build systems like Endevor, Changeman, Jenkins, or IBM DBB to form a ship list for deploying to z/OS.  

Video: How to use buzztool to create components for an IBM z/OS application
Video: How to write a generic deployment process for IBM z/OS 
Video: Adding properties to a deployment process for IBM z/OS


Plug-ins are used to submit various commands. There are also plug-ins for subsystems, such as IMS and CICS so that load modules can be deployed to these subsystems.

For a complete list, go to the UrbanCode Deploy Plug-in GitHub repo for the plugins for IBM z/OS. 


Manage Releases, Pipelines, Deployment Analytics

UrbanCode Velocity gathers data from deployments to z/OS as it would for deployments to any other platform. Velocity provides reporting – including audit reports – release management, pipeline management, and analytics. With Velocity capabilities, teams have increased visibility and measurements needed to find and fix bottlenecks in the delivery process. See UrbanCode Velocity for additional information.


Why UrbanCode Deploy?

UrbanCode Deploy is beneficial not only because it unifies deployment automation for both distributed and mainframe components within an application, but also because of the additional functionality UrbanCode Deploy brings when working with the legacy z/OS tools:

  • Deploy CICS bind files and DB2 changes
  • Integrate with IBM z Systems products: z/OS Connect, Z Develop and Test Environment (ZD&T)
  • Gain visibility to legacy deployments so they can be seen and rolled back
  • Coordinate with the distributed deployments
  • Deploy full versions (not just incremental deployments)
  • Initiate tests and use quality gates
  • Integrate with ServiceNow, GitHub, Jira, and many other modern tools


