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Installing containerized UrbanCode Deploy

By Laurel Dickson-Bull posted Mon April 19, 2021 03:11 PM

If you are using UrbanCode Deploy at its latest version (, it's a good time to try out the UCD containers for the server, agent and relay. These have all recently passed IBM container certification. This chart is a good summary of the requirements IBM certified containers have to meet:
Many people prefer using containers for their ease of use and administration and most organizations are using containers or including them in their IT strategy. For UrbanCode Deploy, the containers are available with the product and can be pulled from IBM's container catalog for use in your Kubernetes environment. To learn more on this topic, see the material here, on installing the UCD containers. 
Before you go through the installation steps, here are a few tips:
The UCD published operators are present in the IBM operator catalog.  To include the IBM operator catalog in your OpenShift cluster, run the following command.
$ oc apply -f catalogsource-IBM.yaml
To create a MySQL database running in the current namespace/project of your OpenShift cluster, to be used by the UCD server, run the following command.
$ ./ mysql1
A Kubernetes service named mysql1-svc will be created to access the database.  From within the cluster you can reference that service using the form mysql1-svc.nameSpaceName.svc.cluster.local as the database hostname/address.  The MySQL server will be listening on port 3306 at that hostname/address.
To create the configMap resource used to load the JDBC driver into the extlib persistent volume, run the following command.
$ oc apply -f configmap-extlib-mysql.yaml
You can then specify the configMap named ‘extlib-configmap’ when doing your UCD server install (ConfigMap Name field in the Ext Lib Volume section of the custom resource/values.yaml)
The yaml files you can use for these steps are posted here:

