Getting Started
Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
IBM started selling IBM GitLab Ultimate this year. It's a DevOps end-to end-platform that contains the functionality DevOps teams need to get started easily and quickly with a continuous delivery platform. To GitLab Ultimate, IBM adds enterprise capabilities needed for deep specialized functionality that regulated industries are looking for. An example is a collaboration between GitLab and IBM working to do make native deployments to IBM Z possible by piggybacking on zCX (Z/OS Container Extensions). Rosalind Radcliffe, Distinguished Engineer for zDevOps at IBM, discusses work underway with GitLab Dev Manager Elliot Rushton to put continuous integration builds on a Z/os LPAR. Listen to this podcast to be very up-to-date with what's going on in this space.If you don't know GitLab - is a very transparent company and has a ton of information and videos on its website (