WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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Lessons from the Field #28: New App Runtimes OpenShift Day 2 Labs

By Kevin Grigorenko posted Tue April 25, 2023 12:50 PM


We have launched a new set of WebSphere Liberty on OpenShift labs titled App Runtimes OpenShift Day 2 Labshttps://ibm.github.io/AppRuntimesOpenShiftDay2Labs/

The purpose of the labs is to demonstrate common day 2 operations for WebSphere Liberty running on OpenShift (and other Kubernetes environments).

The definitions of "day 1" and "day 2" aren't exact; but, roughly, day 1 is about getting an application into a working state (architecture, development, configuration, installation, etc.), and day 2 is about ongoing maintenance (diagnosing problems, performance tuning, upgrades, etc.).


The topics of the labs are as follows and they may be done in sequence or individually depending on time and interest:

  • WebSphere Liberty on OpenShift
    • Application logs
    • Diagnostic trace
    • High CPU
    • High response times
    • Application errors
    • Java OutOfMemoryErrors
    • InstantOn
  • General OpenShift Topics
    • Health of the cluster
    • OpenShift Pipelines

This is just version 1 of these labs and we hope to add more labs in the future.


To run these labs, you must have access to an OpenShift cluster running on x86_64/amd64 CPUs. Review the OpenShift Cluster Preparation page on how to prepare an existing OpenShift environment for the labs.

If you do not have access to an OpenShift cluster:

  1. Speak with your IBM account team and they can raise a request through the IBM-internal link https://ibm.biz/app-platform-swat-team-request
  2. Otherwise, if your laptop is x86_64/amd64 and has at least 4 free CPUs and 9GB of free RAM, you can install Red Hat OpenShift Local and then review OpenShift Cluster Preparation

How the labs work

The labs use an open source, sample application call libertydiag with container images published to Red Hat Quay.io at quay.io/ibm/libertydiag. If your cluster does not allow pulling from public sources, you may either build the images yourself using the first link, or pull down the images from the second link and push them to your cluster registry.

The images are then deployed to your cluster either through a vanilla Kubernetes Deployment or, optionally, through the WebSphere Liberty Operator which is a wrapper around a Kubernetes Deployment with various value added features.

Each lab starts with a "Theory" section that discusses all the different ways the lab can be accomplished, and then there are labs for one or more of those approaches that you may choose to do.


These labs are provided as is without any warranty or formal support; however, please report any issues through the GitHub repository and we'll try to resolve them as time permits. If you have ideas for additonal labs or other feedback, you may also share that by opening a GitHub issue.

#automation-portfolio-specialists-app-platform #WebSphereLiberty #java #RedHatOpenShift #WebSphere 

