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Tips & Tricks - Keeping Things Clean, DevOps Test Performance & UI

By Jerry Shengulette posted 12 days ago


Keeping It Clean

Performance test assets tend to have a long lifespan. Sure, your tests will change with every significant change your application-under-test, but the other assets, including schedules, locations, datasets, rules, and agents tend to hang around. There are some things to be done to best ensure that these things remain viable through the months and years that they are needed.


Are you using agents? When you established the connection between your agent and your workbench, you defined a file system path into which your playback engine is expected to move files and do the work you want done in your test.

Have you ever looked at that directory? Let’s take a look at D:\tmp\AgentTesting.

The deployment_root directory is what the name suggests; it’s the root directory for files that will be deployed to this agent by its workbenches.

Mine is a single-user machine; no one else is running tests using my machine as an agent, but the deployment_root will have subdirectories correspond to each user that runs tests using this deployment directory. If sharing an agent, it’s a good idea to establish a uniformity to declaring the Deployment directory. You do not want to have to search the file system randomly when it’s time to clean up.

As people leave the organization, you should remove their respective directories. Their once-deployed test assets are of no use to anyone else.

If we drill deeper, into the JERALD.SHENGULETTE directory, we see one or more sub-directories with very long, seemingly random names.

Again, I have one such sub-directory, but there may be more in other environments. These directories are something of a “graveyard for old test assets”. When you run a schedule that uses an agent, this is the directory into which the run details are deployed. If you have more than one, the only one you want to keep is the most recent one. 

Left to linger, all they do is consume disk space on your agent.

You CAN set up your workbench to automatically delete these directories.

On the workbench, navigate to Window > Preferences > Test > Server. There is a checkbox for “Delete deployment directory on the agent after execution”. That will perform the action described.

There are two reasons NOT to check this box.

  1. 1)    The most significant reason is deployment time. The playback engine generally does not copy files to the agent, if the current version already exists. Copying everything to the agent every time can add a few minutes to the beginning of the schedule run.  
  2. 2)    The other reason involves debugging. If you run into an issue with playback on an agent, there are log files in the “long-named” directory that can be helpful. When you automatically delete the directories, these are deleted, too.

I am a hands-on sort. I like to be directly involved in my clean-up activities. If I create an agent, I make it part of my agenda to clean up that agent periodically, usually monthly.

To summarize, cleaning the agent amounts to:

  1. 1)   Making sure all users are consistent in their use of the Deployment directory on the agent.
  2. 2)   Removing no-longer-valid users from the <DeploymentDirectory>\deployment_root\ directory.
  3. 3)  Removing all but the newest subdirectory from <DeploymentDirectory\deployment_root\<userid>\.


Maintaining the sanctity of your workbench(es) is more esoteric. Sure, you want to keep track of your overall disk space and things like that, but the assumption is that you are working on your workbench. You will be more aware of those sorts of issues as part of daily business. What you might not be considering is workspace corruption.

If you use your favorite search engine to search on “What causes Eclipse workspace corruption?”, you will land upon some common reasons:

·       You ran out of memory while doing something.

·       You ran out of disk space while doing something.

·       You lost power in the middle of something.

This is not an all-inclusive list. Other, less obvious, contributing factors can be age of workspace, size of workspace, file interdependencies with a workspace; the list goes on. Some have joked that phase of the moon might be a factor.

In general, files in an Eclipse workspace have pre-defined interrelationships. Corruption is the blanket term we apply to anything that disrupts these relationships. The testing products rely upon a particularly complex web of these interrelationships.

That same search activity likely brought you in contact with a few of the recommended potential solutions for workspace corruption. We will not go into those here though they are certainly available for you to try.

Practical experience has shown that “fixing” a corrupt workspace is not as successful as replacing a workspace.

Without further ado…

  • Open Eclipse, specifying a new workspace.
  • This opens a new, empty workspace
  • Navigate to File > Import.
  • Select General > Existing Projects into Workspace.

Use the Browse button to identify the old workspace directory.

The Projects box will then be populated with the projects from the old workspace.

I have selected all of the projects, but this can also be your opportunity to prune obsolete or unwanted projects.

The key is to check the box for “Copy projects into workspace.” Checking the box means that the process will create new physical copies of all files AND rebuild all the metadata connections between the files. It’s that latter part of the process that corrects the corruption.

After you click Finish, the new workspace is populated with the select projects and their underlying test assets.

This action is not 100% effective at correcting existing corruption; sometimes corruption will be too great to overcome. However, this is an excellent measure for refreshing your workspaces, potentially heading off corruption over time. My recommendation for those working with years-old, extensive workspaces is to do this annually (or even twice per year).

In summary:

  • Clean up on your agents; you will run smoother, longer. 
  • Clean up/refresh your workspaces, you can stave off workspace corruption.
