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Viewing Agent Additional Information on UrbanCode Build 6.1.7

By IBM DevOps Expert posted Mon May 09, 2022 02:37 PM


We heard from a number of clients that it could be hard to understand how much they were using each agent and for what. We updated the Agent view pages to make this a lot easier to understand. Check it out:

  1. Jobs Run column in Agents table:

A new column ‘Jobs Run’ has been added to the agents table which specifies the number of jobs run against each agent for the selected period. This information helps us to analyze the approximate load shared among agents and tune it accordingly.

We can choose the different periods for which the number of jobs run needs to be calculated as shown below.


  1. Display list of Projects utilized by an Agent Pool:

A new table ‘In Use By’ has been added to View Agent Pool page which lists the Projects that are utilizing the particular Agent Pool. Currently, there is no UI page that maps Projects to Agent Pool as pools are assigned to the Process and Project template. So this information would be useful to analyze and balance the Agent Pools.

