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Execute builds on Mainframe with UrbanCode Build

By IBM DevOps Expert posted Mon May 02, 2022 06:44 PM


Starting from version 6.1.5, UrbanCode Build agents can run on IBM z/OS through Unix System Services (usually abbreviated as USS), which is a required component of IBM z/OS that is included by default. Since the initial introduction of UrbanCode Build to z/OS, the installation procedure has gone through several changes. This article describes installing and running a UCB agent version 6.1.6 on z/OS.

To install an agent on z/OS, you must first download the appropriate agent installer zip file by navigating to the tools menu in your UrbanCode Build Server UI.

After downloading the file “”, transfer it to the mainframe machine to be installed. Due to an incompatibility of the scp tool between Linux/Mac and z/OS, it is recommended to use sftp instead. Otherwise, you may encounter problems while extracting the zip file in z/OS due to data corruption. The following image shows the process of using sftp to transfer the file.

After the zip file has been successfully transferred to the z/OS machine, it is time to extract and initiate the installer. The easiest way is to use jar (Java Archive tool). However, any other tool capable of extracting zip archives can be used.

Once the current directory has been changed to the root directory of the installer, the shell script “” must be set as an executable file.

At this point, everything is set and the installation process can be started by executing the shell script “”.

After following the prompts and completing the installation successfully, it is time to start the agent process. In order to manually start the agent while logged in to USS, the command “bin/agent start” can be used.

Alternatively, and since this is z/OS, the PROC file that is provided in the agent’s installer directory can be used to start this agent. This file is located at “ibm-ucb-agent-install/install/zos/BULAGNT”.

