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Migrating Pipelines from Jenkins to IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery

By Hiren Dave posted Thu May 16, 2024 01:12 AM


Migrating Jenkins pipelines to IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery can sometimes involve complex tooling and configurations.  However, a simpler, more streamlined approach exists: leveraging the power of Bash scripts. In this post, we'll delve into the advantages of Bash scripts and how they can make your migration smoother and more maintainable.

Embrace Simplicity with Bash

By leveraging Bash scripts, you can achieve a straightforward and efficient migration from Jenkins to IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery. This approach empowers you with greater control, customization, and ease of maintenance, making it an excellent choice for your CI/CD evolution.

Why Bash Scripts Are the Ideal Choice

Native Integration:

IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery is designed to work seamlessly with Bash scripts. You won't need to introduce any external tools or dependencies, simplifying your migration process.

Reduced Complexity:

Bash scripts offer a lightweight and transparent way to manage your migration steps. You won't have to grapple with the overhead of complex configurations or external services.

Flexibility and Customization:

With Bash, you have complete control over the migration logic. You can easily tailor each step to match your specific requirements and adapt to any unique challenges that arise.

Streamlined Troubleshooting:

Bash scripts are easy to read and debug. If any issues occur during the migration, you'll be able to quickly pinpoint and resolve them, minimizing downtime and frustration.

Jenkinsfile to IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery: A Bash-Powered Transformation

In the realm of DevOps, the Jenkins pipeline configuration file, commonly known as Jenkinsfile, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating continuous integration (CI) processes. This blog post will delve into the process of converting Jenkinsfile to Bash scripts, providing a seamless integration with existing scripts within the IBM Cloud® Continuous Delivery.

Overview of Different Stages in CI Pipeline

Clone the Repo & Branch Protection

The initial stage involves the automatic execution of scripts/ci-cd/ to clone the repository and enforce branch protection. This step is seamlessly incorporated into the pipeline, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Detect Secrets

To enhance security, the pipeline incorporates the detect-secrets utility. This stage identifies and removes visible secrets from the code, subsequently storing them in IBM Secrets Manager. Additionally, false positives can be managed by adding them to the ignore list.

Unit Tests

Unit testing is a crucial phase in the CI pipeline. By triggering and, this stage provides flexibility for customization through script modification.

Peer Review Check

Ensuring a structured development process, this stage verifies the existence of a Peer Review by checking for an open pull request (PR).

Code Scanners & Linters

While SonarQube scans are a standard inclusion, the flexibility to integrate custom linters adds a layer of adaptability to the script to maintain the code formatting guidelines.

Compliance Checks

This stage focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in Dockerfile base images and third-party packages used in the code, ensuring compliance with security standards.

Build Docker Image/Artifacts

The pipeline progresses to building Docker images and generating artifacts for subsequent stages, further changes can be implemented in sample provided scripts, and in scripts/ci-cd folder.

Scan Artifacts

A critical security measure, this stage involves scanning the generated artifacts to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Deploy Helm Chart in Dev

Facilitating continuous deployment, this stage automates the deployment of Helm charts in the development environment, using and scripts.

Integration Testing

Robust testing is essential, and this stage is dedicated to thorough integration testing to ensure the stability of the application.

Code Dynamic Testing

Dynamic testing evaluates the application's behavior in real-time, providing valuable insights into its performance and reliability.

Deploy Helm Chart in Prod

The final stage orchestrates the deployment of Helm charts in the production environment, culminating in a seamless and automated CI/CD pipeline.

By converting Jenkinsfile to Bash scripts, this comprehensive approach enhances the efficiency, security, and flexibility of CI pipelines within the DevOps landscape.

Implementation Example:

One critical aspect of this conversion involves the migration of sensitive information such as passwords, secrets, and certificates stored in Jenkins Credentials to IBM Secrets Manager. For securely managing credentials, you can define your environment variables by linking to secrets from IBM Secrets Manager and also fetch them from IBM Secrets Manager within your Bash script. The following command facilitates the retrieval of this information during the pipeline execution which can be easily integrated via Bash scripts.

export username=$(ibmcloud secrets-manager secret --id "your-secret-id" --service-url "your-service-url" --output=json | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d)

This integration ensures a more secure and centralized management of sensitive data.


Choosing the right tools for your DevOps pipeline is crucial for success. While JCasC brings certain advantages, the complexity introduced in the migration process might outweigh its benefits for many teams. DevOps engineers should weigh the pros and cons, considering factors such as ease of use, automation, and the overall impact on workflow efficiency. In the ever-evolving DevOps landscape, adaptability and simplicity remain paramount.

